silentnomore kxladygardenrun ladygardencampaign ladygardenfoundation mommyletmelive prolifecommunity bullyfreebeginswithme love alabama bullycrisis bullying bullyprevention bullysolutions facts ladygarden marchforlife nobullying parents pray prolifegeneration speakup womensrights abortion avoiceforthevoiceless education forhisglory godsplan gynaecologicalcancer hydepark заправаотца
Happy International Women's Day! We have some big news to share! It's with great excitement that we announce our partnership with @cultbeauty, which asks us to stop beating around the bush! Together, we're on a mission to have frank conversations about our vaginas - their health and their happiness. As a campaign helping to raise awareness about women's wellness, we're honouring International Women's Day with this partnership and that @cultbeauty will be donating 10% of all sales from their BRAND NEW Sexual Pleasure and Wellness category!
Stop, look down and salute a girl's true best friend! JOIN THE VULVALUTION #internationalwomensday #Vulvalution #SilentNoMore .
#LadyGardenFoundation #whatdoyoucallyours #iinternationalswomensday #campaign #partnership #femalecare #gynae #vagina
The Lady Garden are unbelievably proud of co-founder @cdelevingne for having a cervical smear test on live television, in a bid to combat the stigma around getting checked. Chloe herself discovered abnormal cells when she was 21, but recent figures show that cervical screening is at its lowest levels in two decades, with one in three women not taking their screening tests.
Well done Chloe! #LadyGardenFoundation #SmearForSmear #femalehealth #gynaecancer #cervicalcancer #SilentNoMore
Many women who have abortions feel deep grief and regret over their decision. Their testimonies powerfully proclaim that abortion takes a human life and hurts women. Post-abortive women with the organization Silent No More will be sharing their stories on the steps of the Supreme Court at the end of the 2019 March for Life route.
#whywemarch #marchforlife #abortion #prolifegen #prolifegeneration #socialjustice #silentnomore
March celebrates Endometriosis Awareness Month.
Endometriosis affects approximately 176 million women worldwide and affects 1 in 10 women during the reproductive years.
The tissue that lines the uterus called endomentrium ends up growing outside of the uterus. It behaves in the same way the endomentrium tissue works that lines the uterus by thickening and bleeding just like it does during a menstrual cycle.
It is so important for us to educate ourselves and understand our bodies and not just try and push past things. Being able to know the difference of what is normal/healthy and what is abnormal/unhealthy.
Via @duvet_days
I think we should move this to a post. You all have such heart breaking stories and I want to open up dialogue. What do you think we should do? What can improve the situation? Where do we start? How do we handle issues from a patient who is “altered” vs oriented? ♥️ Love y’all. Seriously. ☺️ #silentnomore #snarkynurses