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{Penelope’s pov}
So we moved to Selvadora.. Police contacted me yesterday and told me that Aspen’s parents wants her back, I mean after they abandoned her alone to the field! And now they want her back? I don’t think they would treat her better than me after all they did do. I never give me baby girl to them! So we are hiding from police in Selvadora, I protect my princess no matter what
so, im pregnant.
and i know i should be happy but, im not.
i already have this little one & she just recently turned 2. i cant have another baby right now, and my fiance agrees.
i will be having this child, but i will not be keeping it. if you or anybody you know is in need of a child and cannot have one, please contact us. we are looking for families in need.
My heart started racing as soon as I saw him standing outside of our house.
There was something about him.
His smile, his eyes, the way he was looking at me, his voice.
I took a deep breath as I was nervously approaching him, he looked at me - and there it was again. That smile.
#thesims #simscc #sims4 #ts4 #simsstory #sims4roleplay #thesims4 #sims #simsrp #ledasawyer]