bikiniseason caloriecounting fatcollegegirls fatoasters healthyeating jackieoflow largeandincharge midtwenties single singleaspringles slimthicc summerbod themorningtoast thicc twobrokegirls weightloss freshman15 shredded senior500 swimsuitszn fatgirl2 extralikeguac fatgirl1 fattofit foodfetish summeriscoming weightwatchers lonestarstate slimthicc
pre-workout snack for a trip to the rec with #fatgirl2 !! @quaker lightly salted rice cakes (1sp) and 2tbs of @jifbrand whipped Pb (5sp). I love writing points on foods and organizing them in my pantry by their sp value. Helps me to avoid going over and instantly know what foods I can eat and still stay in my sp range! (also reminds me how many points foods are if I’m about to binge)!!
goooooood morning friends!
Here’s my caffeine of choice this morning - raspberry açaí @celsiusofficial and will probably eat a banana at school! #celsius #thursday #breakfast #fatcollegegirls
#fatgirl1 #fatgirl2 #summeriscoming #shredded #thicc #slimthicc #ttu #midtwenties #single #singleaspringles #bikiniseason #extralikeguac #weightwatchers #fatoasters #weightloss #freshman15 #foodfetish #themorningtoast #senior500 #summerbod #bikiniseason #largeandincharge #healthyeating #swimsuitszn #twobrokegirls #ww #caloriecounting