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Back out clearing more conifers and this new hookloader is a dream to work with.. Iv bought some cool toys but this is mega . Can fit double stacks on it or even a single stack in the bunk of 3m and still get the digger on with no over hang #mytreecompany #takeuchi #bigab #12-15 #unimog #timber #siteclearance #treecontractor #arborist #hookloader
Looking forward to adding our new @iveco 4x4 with @hiabofficialuk hook loader to the fleet
#GreenwoodsBiomass #Iveco4x4 #banditchippers #AllThingsArb #treesurgery #stumpgrinding #siteclearance #landscaping #planting #logs #woodchips #sustainable #carbonneutral #cleanenergy #biomass #chobham #woking #ottershaw #chertsey #guildford #ascot #sunningdale #wentworth #windlesham #kingston #surbiton #hersham #weybridge #stgeorgeshill #esher
Big thanks to Brian Robinson Machinery for all the help in bringing this project together, its taken a lot longer than I'd have liked and quite a lot of development but eventually we have our high capacity chipping unit finished, well almost.
#arblife #arborist #chiptruck #forestry #schliesing #chipper #arboristsofinstagram #siteclearance #silagetrailer #orange #worksmarternotharder #valtrapower #valtra @overland_es #biomass #arbdigger
Producing log chip for @sylvagenltd with @bradsheehan83 . The bandit with a fresh set of blades smashes through it like nothing else! ✂️♻️⚡️ #GreenwoodsBiomass #banditchippers #treesurgery #stumpgrinding #siteclearance #landscaping #planting #logs #woodchips #sustainable #carbonneutral #cleanenergy #biomass #chobham #woking #ottershaw #chertsey #guildford #ascot #sunningdale #wentworth #windlesham #kingston #surbiton #hersham #weybridge #stgeorgeshill #esher #richmond #telehandler
Site clearance project finished off with a big chipping session. With the help of @new_forester_ and his tractor and heizohack chipper, @jordan__haydon_ & @liam_worsdell hauled over 60 tonnes of woodchip to be used for biomass.
#forestry #siteclearance #tractors #forestrytractor #valtra #valtrapower #botex #heizohack #woodchip #biomass #letthemachinesdothework
Shredding another replanted Christmas tree that’s grown out of control ✂️ ... off to fuel the power station ⚡️ #GreenwoodsTrees #banditchippers #AllThingsArb #treesurgery #stumpgrinding #siteclearance #landscaping #planting #logs #woodchips #sustainable #carbonneutral #cleanenergy #biomass #chobham #woking #ottershaw #chertsey #guildford #ascot #sunningdale #wentworth #windlesham #kingston #surbiton #hersham #weybridge #stgeorgeshill #esher #richmond