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A #fakeaway from the Golden Arches... An Asda wholemeal roll (B) with a cheese single (1/3 A), Tesco pork and herb patty (2.5), eggs cooked in a ring and 2 McCain’s hash browns (1.5 syns each)... that’ll do #sw #swinstagram #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldmafia #healthychoices #swuk #onplan #balanceddiet #foodoptimising #fakeaway #slimmersofinstagram #swfollowers #swrecipes #swfamily #slim4life #healthyeating #weightloss #swconsultant #healthychoices #weightlossjourney #fooddiary #extraeasy #slimmingworld #swbreakfast
Thank you to everyone who has unfollowed me over bank holiday because I’ve been away, so haven’t been living on Instagram and posting loads of food cya later then guys!! Thanks to everyone who is still here to see my strawbsI’m so glad @morrisons have these again this year, I loved them last year, they’re only £3.50 and they last agesssss
#slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldleeds #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldmember #slimmingworldplan #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldsupport #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldfollowers #swuk #swinsta #swextraeasy #speedfood #freefood #synfree #weightloss
W H O O P W H O O P - I soo did not deserve that 5lb gain last week. This week I’ve enjoyed my kebab after weigh (but made healthy choices), food optimised all week and filled up on speed and enjoyed a meal out. Happy times... #postpartumweightloss #slimmingworldtargetmember #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldideas #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldsupport #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworlddiary #slimmingworldtransformation #theslimmingteacher #17stonelost
I’ve had to wait 6 weeks to post these transformation photos for #transformationtuesday I don’t see the difference when i look in the mirror I rely on these to keep me motivated #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworldblog #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldblogger #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldinspiration #swfamily #slimmingworldfamily #swinsta #swsupport #swfoodpics #weightloss #swuk #slimmingworldmafia #swfriends #slimmingworldworks #slimmingworlddiary #swfood #swplan #swblog #slimmingworldsupport
#slimmingworldmeals #slimmingworldfood #targetmember #swtargetmember #slimforlife
Nothing like a Facebook memory to remind you of the journey! .
So it’s 2 years ago today since I walked out of group as a target member! How crazy is that! And although i decided to change my target a few months later I’m so blimen proud of the last 2 years! Me? Mel? Slim! So for all those that doubted me ( | )......
This is a side by side picture of losing 11 stone, a few months later I decided to lower my target after struggling to maintain it! My total loss is 12 stone.... losing it naturally btw following the slimmingworld plan for those that doubted that to! I wanted to share this... to the doubters because I’m far to happy and busy to care but importantly to anyone who thinks it’s impossible, it really isn’t! Forget the negatives, the calorie counting! Mindful eating, shakes and cabbage soup diets! The principal of slimmingworld works! .
#slimmingworld #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldfriends #slimmersofinstagram #slimmingworldfamily #swmafia #slimmingworldblog #swconsultant #slimwithmel #swuk #swfoodblogger #extraeasy #ww #target #lifestylechanges #foodblogger #healthyeating #foodoptimising #mondaymotivation
#beforeandafter #transformation #ididit
I’m sorry, what?! I can’t even comprehend the difference between these two. I remember so vividly waking up extra early ready to untag any pictures that may surface on facebook as soon as they were uploaded. I feel so sad for that girl 11 stone gone forever. Well, nearly all of forever, I am sure
#slimmingworld #targetmember #diamondmember #syns #speedfood #swmember #weighday #transformation #beforeandafter #transformationstuesday #facetofacefriday #motivationmonday #healthyextraa #healthyextrab #weightloss #weightlossjourney #swinsta #swmember #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldbride #brideof2018 #bridetobe #shreddingforthewedding #2019weightloss #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldsupport
When you find yourself lurking in the back of an old photo, munching on a plate of beige buffet!!! Now I'm all smiles in front of the camera. No more hiding in the background for me. 7.5 stone loss to target with slimming world, but around a 9.5 stone loss between these photos that's half my body weight!! .
#throwbackthursday #weightlossblogger #weightlosscommunity #weightlossbeforeandafter #weighttransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlosssupport #weightlossmotivation #sw #swuk #slimmingworldweightloss #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworldmafia #slimmingworldtransformation #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk
Double Trouble #motivationmonday ♀️
The photo on the left is me and my girl @jodi.swjourney on our joint birthday night out last year and on the right was on Saturday in Nottingham
#slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldmums #slimmingworldplan #slimmingworldmember #slimmingworlder #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworlddiary #slimmingworldblog #slimmingworldideas #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldgoals #swinstauk #swinstagram #swinstauk #swinspo #swtargetmember #slimmingworldtargetmember #spmeals
I wasn’t gonna do a #transformationtuesday but for the first time in a while I’ve felt absolutely amazing about how I’m looking in clothes. You guys have really brought up my mood with your thoughtful comments. This holiday will definitely see a gain but as most of you beauts know I weigh blind! Don’t let the scales determine your mood my lovelies. Whatever plan you’re following make sure you enjoy it. When it stops being enjoyable it’s time to move on. Happy Tuesday my lovelies ☺️♀️
#transformationtuesday #slimmingworld #slimmingworldfamily #weightlossjourney #sunnynayray