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Moments captured by @andytroyphoto in Brazil ✨ About a month ago, by the end of 2018.
That time, where I was successfully closing a chapter of my life and eager for what was about to come. It might look like I have a wonderful life, yes I do, but there is a lot of work and hours behind all of this pictures of Instagram, lots of ups and downs..!
Today I can say, my plans are taking shape and I am very happy to have my sponsors @brunotti , @windvoyager and @slingshotkite next to me ✨ #gratefull #thankful #brunotti #windvoyager #slingshotkite #nomattertheconditions #stokedforlife #happiness #beachlife #instagood #love
We wrapped up one of the final days shooting #theNEWRPM in an empty random lagoon deep in Brazil. As we packed up, a tiny truck rolled up quickly and excitedly packed with 4 kiters whom we had never met before. As they piled out out of their vehicle we were taken aback as they began inflating one of the very first model year RPMs. Here we were wrapping up shooting an evolution of a kite that had been developed a decade earlier and the exact predecessor shows up. It was tattered, it was flimsy, it looked almost prehistoric but it looked good! We had to grab a photo as it just seemed too perfect and too full circle not to. After some high fives and some photos that crew went on their way ripping off downwind into the sunset. The marketing has changed, the riders have changed, the construction and features has all changed, but the spirit never will. #20yearsofthis
Photo: @andre_magarao
Kiteboarding in Holbox!!! What a paradise, the town is super cute, good conditions and beautiful people!! Had a nice session with #thenewRPM 12m before the wind picked up and I was really power .
Thanks @villaselencantoholbox & @lifestyle_kitegram for making the fun to happen
#brunotti #windvoyager #slingshotkite #kiteboarding #letskitesurf #kitesurfingworld #thekiteshot #thekiteshots #kitesurfing