slugjog malenabadselfie malenaslugjogs antiglamour demotivational ihaterunning uglyselfie exerciseextrafries runningsucks exercise jogging ihateit doitbuthateit flabulous running sexywalrus unglam demotivational
Whoops I forgot to take a sluggy pic today so here’s some feels from a previous excursion! Right now my complaint is HOT KNEES. What is that even Why Oh and don’t get me started on my horrible shuffling gait. And before you say anything my foot strikes are correct, they’re just done by shuffling because someone fell asleep and left fucking rubber BANDS in my legs or some shit. NOT COOL OKAY
#slugjog #malenaslugjogs #malenabadselfie #antiglamour #exercise #ihaterunning #fuckyourfitspo #imsohappythatsahashtag #thattoo
Why does this (jogging) SUCK SO MUCH? Between the incredible Herculean effort of squeezing into two pairs of leggings (high five if you have the same problem) to one sock invariably having a toe hole to THE ITCHING and now the hot knees it’s just a bad time. I got 25 minutes of INTENSELY RESENTFUL continuous slugjogging so I mean that’s okay I guess. Still too dark before and after work so you know, fuck routines I guess. Filters because fuck this shit lol
#slugjog #malenabadselfie #malenaslugjogs #ihaterunning #exerciseextrafries #demotivational #itsucks #exercise #antiglamour
I don’t like jogging and I don’t like doing it in the rain. But I also don’t want to buy new pants and I was in a truly FOUL mood sooooooo grumble flump growl. Spoiler alert, it sucked, and my foot got wet because my street has a small river in it. Also melting dog poop looks extra disgusting, what is wrong with people #malenaslugjogs #malenabadselfie #ihaterunning #demotivational #antiglamour #slugjog #exercise #running #pickupyourpoop
2018 in one #slugjog: uncomfortable, entertaining, ugh, and itchy. The middle one is aggressive itching of my side since I haven’t slugged in a couple months and my body reverted to full lump mode and resents being subjected to flouncing. My feet didn’t hurt which is amazing so I guess the ancient rituals have been working .
#malenabadselfie #malenaslugjogs #exercise #2018bestnine #2018recap #jogging #exercisemotivation #antiglamour #yourwarmupismyworkout #normalpeoplestuff #exerciseextrafries #silly