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You can control everything in your home, smart home is coming. High technology applied in life! Awesome!
But in bathroom,why outside can control the inside?@inprojector
follow @electronicsidea and comment!
#smarthome #smarthometechnology #smarthometech #smarthomesecurity #bathroomtechnology #smarthomesystem #smarthomecontrol #smarthomedesign #internetofthings #electronicsidea
You can control everything in your home, smart home is coming. High technology applied in life! Awesome!
what it control?temperature or not?@inprojector
follow @electronicsidea and comment
#smarthome #smarthometechnology #smarthometech #smarthomesecurity #bathroomtechnology #smarthomesystem #smarthomecontrol #smarthomedesign #internetofthings #electronicsidea
You can control everything in your home, smart home is coming. High technology applied in life! Awesome!
But in bathroom,why outside can control the inside?
#smarthome #smarthometechnology #smarthometech #smarthomesecurity #bathroomtechnology #smarthomesystem #smarthomecontrol #smarthomedesign #internetofthings #electronicsidea
Scott from @epitomeliving sent me this video yesterday of our smart door lock system in action
As well as working off a key code, it can also work via NFC, so you just need to hold a small keyring near it, to open the door.
Although these are handy, the main feature is that it works as part of the overall smart home, so when we open the door, the lights can come on, alarm turns off and music starts playing etc.
Coincidentally my mum forgot her keys yesterday and I had to go and leave a set round to her...which will never be an issue with this bad boy! P.S. I've already changed the code, before any of you get any ideas!