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finally finished, seminar jurusan rekayasa perangkat lunak angkatan 2018/2019
Hargailah setiap usaha seseorang, jangan pernah menghina ataupun menyepelekan usaha mereka, sekecil apapun itu. Karena kamu tak pernah tahu seberapa jauh ia berjuang dan seberapa banyak yang telah ia korbankan.
Apa yang telah terjadi, bersyukurlah dengan apa yang telah dilalui, belajarlah dengan apa yang diberi, kemudian percaya bahwa semua yang terjadi selalu dengan "satu alasan dan satu tujuan"
#anaksmk #smk_bisa
#smkkeren #smkhits
#rpl #softwareengineeringstudent
#subanghits #pelajarindonesia #bocahngapayasquad
Me, after getting through my unit 1 project presentation today. I’m running on an hour and a half of sleep, but y’all...THE THING GOT DONE. Now I’m gonna take my very patient little pup outside for a much deserved stroll in the fresh air and sunshine and hopefully get in a quick snooze. Tonight, the studying begins again. •
#softwareengineeringstudent #javascript #jquery #css #html #studentlife #girlswhocode #sleepygothgirl #ihatejavascript #codingbootcamp
Belive me! I love you more then my code.
#javascript #angular #reactjs #vuejs #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #webdesign #webdesigner #html #html5 #programming #css #css3 #js #jquery #php #nodejs #rubyonrails #java #android #laravel #mongodb #nosql #mysql #postgresql #software #python #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineeringstudent
ITS MY LAST DAY IN NYC!! I’m so grateful for his experience, for the amazing engineering team I got to be apart of, and for all the lessons I learned about start-ups, development teams, and best coding practices. In these 2 months of interning as a Software Engineer I’ve learned more than in my last year of college! The real world has a way of making you learn many regards. This summer had many lessons outside of work as well, including how to listen to myself after a 9-5 work day, a busy commute, and then the pressure to explore this lively city!! I will miss the hustle and bustle, but oh am I excited to jump in the Pacific Ocean. #KaleandCode
#affirmations #selflove #challenges #roadblocks #careerinspo #blog #blogger #newpost #kaleandcode #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthworld #techworld #womenengineers #femaleengineers #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #happyhealthylife #womeninSTEM #womenintech #dev #development #developer #attitudeofgratitude #yoga #fitness #organicfoods #aspirations #internship #softwareengineeringstudent
I’ve got asked a lot about which major should I take in univeristy ? #computerscience ? Or #softwareengineering ?
Well I would suggest to talk to those two programs in the university or collage that you interested in. It can be varied from places. But here is my opinions about it
Computer science is the study of computing more in mathematics and theories about how computer works. Like #datastructure and #algorithm !!!
Be aware of #computerengineering because that is more like focusing on hardware as I know
Software engineering is the study of how softwares are developed that includes the product life cycle, testing and best practices also computer science and how computer works etc ( I guess it’s more specific. According to univeristy of Waterloo - one of the best engineering school in North America ✅ seriously )
My idea is that if you want to become a #softwaredeveloper it would make more sense to pick a major that not only help you with developing strong algorithms but also giving you the time to actually build interesting projects! ( yes that’s right. The time to build things ☝ )
For those who are hustlers out there like me who doesn’t have those majors and just having the determination and persistent you can success too. We just gotta believe in ourselves and keeping that fire burning ❗️
✅Follow #vickysdailystandup or @vickysdailystandup for daily 1 minute videos .
#computersciencestudent #codingbootcamp #softwareengineeringstudent #learntocode #computersciencemajor