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Solar water heating for swimming pools:
In order to maintain swimming pool temperatures during different seasons, homeowners and businesses may want to invest in solar water heating systems. Conventional natural gas and electric heaters are available for heating swimming pools, but they can be costly and inefficient. By comparison, SWH systems for swimming pools are cost competitive, primarily because the fuel source is free and the operating costs are low. A typical solar pool heating system can range from $2,000 to $4,000, depending on variable factors such as ease of installation, state codes and safety requirements, and access to financing. The investment, however, is well worth the effort as a SWH system for a pool can pay for itself in just 2 to 4 years when you account for the energy bill savings. Solar pool heating systems are also highly reliable and generally maintenance free.
Solar heating systems are available for both in-ground and aboveground pools. They are effective because swimming pools require a low temperature heat source, which a relatively small solar collector can easily provide. Most SWH systems for pools include a solar collector, filter, pump, and flow control valve. Pool water is first pumped through the filter. Then it flows through the solar collector where it is heated before returning to the pool. Some systems offer manual automatic sensor valves that can send water through the collector when the collector temperature is greater than the pool temperature, or bypass the collector when its temperature is similar to the pool water. In particularly hot climates, passing pool water through the solar collectors during the evening hours can serve as a cooling mechanism
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Smart Solar Bench is an interactive seat designed with today’s connected consumers in mind. The bench is fitted with solar panels that provide power for recharging mobile devices. The power can be transmitted through hot spots or via USB sockets integrated into the surface. The bench also transmits wireless 4G WiFi within a 10-20-metre radius. LED lighting in white, blue, green or red can also be powered by the solar panels. The Smart Solar Bench meets the consumer demand for WiFi and low-voltage recharging, all made available in a practical and cutting-edge design.
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