someoneyouknowhaslupus helptofindacure lupuswarriors peopleilovehavelupus tacklelupus theyneedyoursupport tibtackleslupus wewilltacklethistogether mmtib2018
#Repost @tropicalislandbeauty with @get_repost
We PUT ON PURPLE for all LUPUS WARRIORS! Please help us bring more awareness to this chronic disease!! PC: @hwnarcher •
#putonpurpleforlupus #lupusawarenessmonth #lupuswarriors #someoneyouknowhaslupus #putonpurpleday #MMTIB2018 #LMTIB2018 #MJTTIB2018
Lupus awareness month day 5.
My feet and ankles are throbbing today. My hands and wrists too. I almost cried when I woke up in pain. Husband ran me a hot bath, it helped a little. Mentally preparing myself for Gavin’s golf tournament today and already dreading that tomorrow is Monday.
#ouch #chronicpain #chronicpainwarrior #chronicillness #invisibleillness #lupussucks #lupusawareness #lupusawarenessmonth #butyoudontlooksick #someoneyouknowhaslupus
Not just your organs, lupus also attacks your skin,hair, and teeth. Many of us experience rashes, mouth & nose sores, hair loss, easy bruising/scarring, tooth decay, gum disease, etc.
And we’re always fatigued, some days are just better and more bearable than others
#lupusawareness #lupusflare #lupusawarenessmonth #chronicillness #chronicallyill #chronicpain #someoneyouknowhaslupus