soundbathmeditation soundtherapy soundbath soundhealing meditation soundbaths soundmassage singingbowls soundbathing soundmeditation soundbathhealing musictherapy gong soundbathworld vibrationalhealing vibrationalsoundtherapy soundbowls crystalsingingbowls singingbowl soundbowl gongs bebowled gongbath crystalsingingbowl raiseyourvibration selfcare getgonged gongitout highvibes vibration soundbathworld
Sound on.⠀⠀
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States ⠀⠀
Video from: @anahatasoundbath ⠀⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #vibrationalsoundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #portland #oregon #singingbowls #singingbowl #soundbowls #soundbowl #bebowled #crystalsingingbowls #crystalsingingbowl #unitedstates
High Energy Vibes.⠀⠀
Location: Yucca Valley, California, United States ⠀
Photo from: @soundbathcenter ⠀⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #soundmassage #soundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing ⠀⠀
#singingbowls #singingbowl #soundbowls #soundbowl #meinl #crystalsingingbowls #crystalsingingbowl⠀⠀
#gong #gongs #gongitout #getgonged #gongbath ⠀⠀
#unitedstates #yuccavalley #california #desertdaytrip #breathwork #drumbath
Giving the dog a bath.❤⠀
Location: Valdez, Alaska, United States ⠀
Video from: @mer.manda ⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #vibrationalsoundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #valdez #alaska #unitedstates #crystalsingingbowls #crystalsingingbowl #singingbowls #singingbowl #soundbowls #soundbowl #bebowled #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #instadog
Giant tuning forks creating a delta monaural beat!⠀
Location: Washington ⠀⠀
Video from: @earth_tuned @afromntls ⠀⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #vibrationalsoundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #washington ⠀⠀
#unitedstates #tuningforks #tuningfork #gettuned ⠀⠀
#getrelaxed #selflove #feelgood #beyou #plugin #highself #getyourfix #soulful #besoundful #goodvibes⠀⠀
Sending full moon and spring equinox blessings to all. Allow this moon to cleanse and recharge you as you head into spring, the season of growth. .
Find a quiet space
Close your eyes
Take notice of your breath as you slowly inhale and exhale
Envision the things that no longer serve you.
Take a deep inhale
And exhale
As you exhale feel all those things being released.
Sit in this space, taking as many breaths as you need. .
Drink a glass of water and feel all the nutrients, everything you do need entering your body, your soul, feeding you, like a flower to bloom .
Sharing with you my rose quartz empyrean bowl from @crystalvibessingingbowls I am literally in love with it. I love all things rose quartz, the stone of unconditional love.
Wearing @aloyoga @spell
Go Big!⠀
Location: Poughkeepsie, New York ⠀
Photo from: @hudsonvalleyhealingcenter ⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #vibrationalsoundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #poughkeepsie, #newyork #gong #gongs #gongitout
#getgonged #gongbath ⠀
#unitedstates #templegongs #templegong #giantgong ⠀
#nipplegongs #nipplegong
This is amazing!❤️⠀
Location: Shizuoka, Japan ⠀
Video from: @crystalian39
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #vibrationalsoundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #shizuoka #japan #singingbowls #singingbowl #soundbowls #soundbowl #alchemycrystalbowls #crystalalchemy ⠀
#crystalsingingbowls #crystalsingingbowl
What a view!⠀
Location: Monument Valley, Arizona ⠀
Photo from: @planetgongstands @creative.well.being⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #vibrationalsoundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #monumentvalley #arizona #gong #gongs #gongitout ⠀
#getgonged #gongbath #unitedstates #planetgongs #planetgong #paiste #desertvibes #az
Location: Australia⠀⠀
Photo from: @innerlightwellnessyoga⠀⠀
#soundbathworld #soundhealing #soundmeditation #soundbath #soundbaths #soundtherapy #meditation #musictherapy #vibrationalhealing #soundmassage #soundtherapy #soundbathhealing #soundbathmeditation #soundbathing #australia ⠀⠀
#singingbowls #singingbowl #soundbowls #soundbowl⠀⠀
#gong #gongs #gongitout #getgonged #gongbath #paiste #crystalsingingbowls #crystalsingingbowl⠀⠀
#windgongs #windgong #kundalini