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First, Second and Third class of the Order of Mother Glory, Soviet Union . @aespineta .
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So this is my russia coat nothing new right. However i have been asked how the medals are atached. Well short ansewr either by screw and screw disc. Witch let me tell you friken ouch. I mean i hanestly don't know why i am willing to suffer so much for cosplay some time. Or by the more so rare pin. Regardles here is what the inside of my caot looks like.
P.S. like most my cosplay its a mix of real and replica and the disks for the real ones are silver well except for the ones holding the medal bars up those are aluminum and for the replica ones idk honestly.
#aphrussia #aphrussiacosplay #cosplay #sovietmedals #russianmedals #sufferforyourart #ilovewhatido
Eng. Медаль «За трудовое отличие» N611 учреждена 27 декабря 1938 года по указу Президиума Верховного Совета СССР для награждения за ударный труд и достижение высоких показателей в работе граждан СССР. По статуту могла быть вручена также и иностранным гражданам. Она стала одной из первых медалей, учрежденных в СССР. Всего в предвоенные годы медаль «За трудовое отличие» была вручена более 11 тыс. чел. Данный тип колодки был до июля 1943г.
Medal "For labor excellence" N611 established December 27, 1938 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the award for shock work and achievement of high performance in the work of Soviet citizens. Under the Statute, it could also be awarded to foreign citizens. It became one of the first medals established in the USSR. In total, in the prewar years, the medal "For labor excellenc" was awarded more than 11.000. this type of medal was until July 1943.