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Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Comment if you find this inspiring! . Follow the page for more motivating quotes! . . Repost by @buddha.ig . Check out our friends @spiritualquotes108 . . . . . #devotions #aswithinsowithout #practiceyoga #selfcareisnotselfish #healthymind #awakeninghumans #mindfulbiz #livewelleatwell #dailyaffirmationproject #notimelikethepresent #youhavethepower #selfhelptips #growthmindsetfoundation #manifestationpower #selfhelpskills #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlive #mindfulnessart #livewellonpurpose #behonest #wholeness #positivitychain #innerjourneys #healingvibrations #happinessstartswithyou #personaldevelopmenttips #spiritualadvisor #aurabalancing #spiritualgoddess #blessedbe #freeconscious

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Questions about protecting yourself as an empath? Questions about the difference between empathic abilities & clairsentience? Join me today (Friday) @3pm CST for our Live Spirit Chat. Let’s chat! Come with questions, this is your time. ************************************************ repost @jane_lightworker

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Clairsentience is one of my main Spiritual gifts. What about you? How do you mainly feel your intuition? How do you mainly receive your guidance or messages? If you’re struggling to develop, understand or control your gifts or to trust and follow your intuition, I can help!

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

This message is not for everyone so take a peek and see if it is what you need in this moment ••• FEAR...a topic that comes up quite often when messages are coming through for the collective because majority of society is based on fear. There are different ways fear can attack and attach. You may have of a fear of doing something because of the unknown of what will happen following OR a fear of not doing something because of the one time you didn’t do that something, shit hit the fan and you linked it to not doing that one thing. Regardless of the way fear attaches and attacks action is required to “level up” beyond the fear. But it is also the mindset. The way the law of attraction works is if you continuously have fear of something, the energy particles associated with the thought of what you are fearful of, will eventually build up enough to create a 3D situation out of that fear. The longer you wait to act on your fear the longer it is attaching and attaching your energy. Fear is like a leech, it will such the life out of you if you allow it ••• Image @yesbabyilikeitraw ••• Feel free to repost and share in your stories with credit. The algorithm sometimes prevents others who may need to connect to this from seeing it. The more shares the further the message goes. The support is always appreciated ••• Guidance Sessions : Intuitive Tarot Readings : NO DM’s PLS

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Click the link in my profile for a free numerology reading‼️ #spiritualhealer #spiritualityawake #spiritualadvice #SpiritualInspiration #spiritualaf #spiritualawareness #spiritualstones #spiritualconnection #SpiritualTools #spiritualvibes #spirituallifecoach #spiritualguide #spiritualfamily #spiritualiteit #spiritualbadass #spiritualfitness #spiritualgifts #spiritualquote #SpiritualEvolution #spiritualawakeningd #spiritualityquotes #spiritualfood #spiritualawaking #spiritualwisdom #spiritualmeme #spiritualadvisor #spiritualsunday #spiritualstoner #spiritualtruth #spiritualbosslady

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Important PSA for this #librafullmoon #springequinox #mercuryretrograde

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Today’s live rising reading is up on my story for the next 24 hours I will also upload it to my YouTube if you missed it ••• The big message of today is putting in the work where necessary. If you are focused on your long-term goal but things keep falling in front of you it is because those are small goals that need to be taken care that contribute to your long-term goal. Instead of looking at these things that keep popping up in front of you as obstacles or challenges, if you alter your perspective and see them as small goals that contribute to the larger goal, it will make working through them more enjoyable and fulfilling. For example if you are staying focused but Source drops something in front of you, instead of thinking “oh man here is another obstacle”, connect to “oh awesome here is an opportunity to clear some space so that I can remain focused on my long term goals.” Now it also is your responsibility to make sure that you are not creating extra obstacles for yourself by where you are spending your time and energy. If you are working on improving your health saying yes to going to 5 parties a weekend isn’t going to do you any good! You have to discipline yourself and be able to make the right choices for you! Will you fail sometimes!? Yes because that is part of being human but instead of beating yourself up, reflect on what needs to be reflected on, stand back up and keep moving. That brings us to this... notice are you spending too much time reflecting without action or is there too much action being taken place without reflection? Meaning are you resting to much and not ever doing anything or are you doing to much and not giving yourself time to rest!? What part of the spectrum are you on? ••• Feel free to repost and share in your stories with credit. The algorithm sometimes prevents others who may need to connect to this from seeing it. The more shares the further the message goes. I appreciate you ••• Guidance Sessions : Intuitive Tarot Readings : NO DM’s

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Click the link in my profile for a free numerology reading‼️ #spiritualhealer #spiritualityawake #spiritualadvice #SpiritualInspiration #spiritualaf #spiritualawareness #spiritualstones #spiritualconnection #SpiritualTools #spiritualvibes #spirituallifecoach #spiritualguide #spiritualfamily #spiritualiteit #spiritualbadass #spiritualfitness #spiritualgifts #spiritualquote #SpiritualEvolution #spiritualawakeningd #spiritualityquotes #spiritualfood #spiritualawaking #spiritualwisdom #spiritualmeme #spiritualadvisor #spiritualsunday #spiritualstoner #spiritualtruth #spiritualbosslady

Hashtags for theme #SPIRITUALADVISOR

Click the link on my profile for your free numerology reading‼️ #spirituality #spiritualguide #horoscope #spiritual #spiritualguidance #numerologycalculator #consciousness #numerologypost #numerologye #spiritualityu #numerologyguidance #numerologymovies #spiritualityissexy #spiritualvibes #spiritualityamino #numerologynumber #spiritualadvisor #mindfulness #numerologyexpression #spirituallifecoach #spiritualitytraining #awakening #spiritualdevelopment #spiritualityawake #spiritualawakening #spiritualfitness #numerologylife #spiritualbosslady #healing #highvibes

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