standupbeeheard stopbullyingnow beekind smile beehappy beestrong beepositive beeawesome beeafriend bullyawareness onslowcounty jacksonville onslowsocks socks beeblessed beesilly repost beeoutgoing chuckecheese gametimearcade beecool beetrue beeyou beeyounique funsocks kidpreneurexpo merrychristmas beethechange expo somedinosaursareloud
We got our new board game in just in time for our event at Chuck E Cheese tomorrow night! Come by to play the new game, paint a rock, take the StopBullying Pledge, and pick up some parent resources. It’s going to be a great night!! #StandUpBeeHeard #StopBullyingNow #ChuckECheese #Jacksonville #Free #RockPainting #FamilyFun #BeeHappy #BeeStrong #BeeAwesome #BeeKind #Smile
Today we are at The Jacksonville Mayfest at the Tractor Supply Co. on Richlands Hwy now till 5pm. Come by to spin the wheel for a free prize, take the Stop Bullying Pledge for a free wristband, and shop our fabulous line of Foozys Socks!! #StandUpBeeHeard #StopBullyingNow #Foozys #FabulousSocks #BeeHappy #BeeAwesome #BeeKind #Smile