startrektng startrek startrekthenextgeneration brentspiner brentspineractor brentspinerappreciation brentspinerfans actor aktor brent brentspinerdata datatng expo ilovehim iminlove love meeting myhappiness mylove perfect photo spiner zdjecia zdjecie startrektos startrekds9 thenextgeneration captainpicard startrekvoyager relaxingtime
Happy Picard Day! My role model ♥️ I am particularly happy to celebrate Picard Day along with Father’s Day because Captain Picard is like my TV dad. He has taught me so much about diplomacy, morality and doing the right thing. I have loved many TV characters, but none have actually affected who I am as Picard has. He has changed my mind on several occasions. His eloquent speeches have made a great impact on my life. He showed me that you don’t have to be authoritative to be an effective leader. It’s no secret that Captain Picard is by far my favorite Captain. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed trying to write about him because there is so much I want to say but I can’t fully express how much I love and respect him. . .
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Am I the only one who hasn't watched GOT? My pals keep on about it, ENOUGH ALREADY ... Though to be fair I do the same thing with Star Trek
#startrekfans #startrekds9 #startrekmemes #startrekvoyager #startrekVOY #trekkie #startrek #finalfrontier #toboldlygo #spock #kirk #funnymemes #funny #startrekTNG #startrek #finalfrontier #Starfleet #scifi #nostalgia kdiscovery #netflix #jeanlucpicard #captainpicard #LLAP #NCC1701 #Uhura #Sulu #Spacethefinalfrontier #johnathanfrakes #gameofthrones #got #winteriscoming