ulcerativecolitis stelera cdiff crohn ensureplus glutenfree modulen ostomybag stelara stoma stomachsurgery vegan steleraweds humira ostomy crohns endoscopy pregnantcrohnie crohnsnomeds humirasideeffects jointpain botox remicadeinfusion coconutoil ulcerativecolitisdiet sulfasalazine methotrexate crohnsflare xeljanz steleraweds
Shall I cut my hair off again? ♀️♀️ does IBD affect your hair? •
#mondays #nobu #shoreditch #hair #cut #shorthair #spoonie #crohns #disease #sushi #food #london #fashion #mondazes #gavi #crohnsandcolitisuk #colitis #chronicillness #disease #stelera #eastend #nobuhotel #teamnurse #teamibd #wine #ittakesguts
*long post warning* so, its the 1st of October, which means for the first time in three years, I've gone an entire September without a hospital admission. Last year in September I had my Hickman line placed, that's me with my rather fetching pink surgery hat after they'd placed it. On the left is me, on my first day of my Masters degree this September, a year apart between theses photos. I didn't think this treatment would work as well as it has and neither did my medical team, my consultant said to me last September "all we can do is hope." I saw him before I started my masters a few weeks ago and he was so happy for me, he couldn't stop smiling. I still struggle, I still need naps and I still get pain, but I can function and be a person again. I would have liked to have managed this entire year without a hospital admission, but I had sepsis in March so was in hospital then...maybe next year can be my hospital admission free year! Some people feel sorry for me because I have this disease, but don't, because its part of my life and I rather like my life... So don't pity it :) #crohns #crohnsdisease #ibd #invisibledisease #chronicallysick #september #october #chronicallyfab #life #mylife #behappy #ustekinumab #stelera #girl #girly #masters #brunel #bruneluniversity #sepsis #hickmanline #tpn #linefeeding
The drip life in 2018 I didn’t have to take any immunosuppressants, which was awesome. But alas, we knew it couldn’t last. Today I had my first loading dose of Ustekinimab (aka Stelera.). I’ve heard good things and am hoping it might just be the drug for me, fingers crossed! #ustekinumab #stelera #immunosuppresant #drip #infusion #crohnsdisease #crohnie #crohnswarrior #spoonie #ibdawareness #hospital
It's time for me to open up and share my truth. I have been hiding from posting much on Instagram because I feel very uncomfurtable in my body. I have recently found out what is actually going on and I feel like I can help others in the same situation as me so instead of hiding starting today I am going to be 100% real. I am going to share this journey of getting my body back with you guys, good, bad and the ugly. .
On the right is me in April 2017. A day after being released from the hospital with a perferated bowl (You can see the hospital tag on my wrist still). Weighing in at 145-150lbsOn the right is me now March 2018. After almost a year of biologics medication weighing in at 198lbs. The girl on the left exercises 6 days a week and eat better than she ever has and has gained this weight because of a side effect of medication. .
My story: I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2007. At that time I would have considered myself an over weight teen. I struggled with weight most of my childhood. Once being diagnosed with Crohn's the weight did not come off like it does for many. I was put on Prednisone and gained a lot of extra weight as well as "moon face" but that went away after awhile until the next time I would be put on prednisone. In 2011 I desided to take control of my weight and began to research, as well as I joined a kick boxing class. I began to cook healthier options, and started to document my journey on Instagram. I was able to loose 70lbs by being active and changing my eating habits all while in an active flare. Then the flare got worse and I ended up in the hospital again and lost more weight. After that I was to thin (119lbs) and worked on gaining weight. Once I got to a weight I was comfortable with I was able to maintain that weight (145lbs for 5+ years give or take 10lbs). I have been in a active flare from 2007 till 2017. With 5+ long hospital stays, countless medication etc. but for the last 5 of those years I was a steady weight. Then APRIL 2017 happened. I had a perforated bowl and ended up in the hospital again. I was put on prednisone and began the process to start my first Biologic = Humira.
Story continued in comments.
They were supposed to help me get better.... they kept me sick.
After my last hospital stay last year.30 pills a day to be exact: prednisone, asacol, imuran, hydromorphone, metronidazole, Ciprofloxacin, lorazepam, tylenol 3, gravol. .
Once I got off the anti bionics and prednisone I was immediately put on Humira. I was told it was my only choice or I would have to have surgery and get a ostomy bag. the problem with that is I had been so inflamed for so long that it would only be a short term solution. .
it wasnt until humira caused me to gain 60lbs that i started to spend countless hours... days researching. I admit it was out of vanity. I didnt recognize the body I was in. I hated it. .
After finding countless studies that Humira and other biologics can cause extreme weight gain by damaging mitochondria I decided enough is enough. .
With the permission of my docotor I stopped all medications and started a strict clean keto diet. I started with a 48 hour fast drinking only homemade bison bone broth. .
I then tracked every single thing that went into my mouth. I was and I am strict about what goes into my body. I am slowly eliminating all other toxins in my daily life. I practice routines daily. I have been able to achieve remission and stay in remission through lifestyle and diet. .
12 years of endless pills and I got worse every day. I was chained to a bathroom. I was living the best way I knew possible but it's a far cry from my best life. .
That is why I share my story. For you to read this and know that by making small changes in your life you can change everything.
I am NOT saying stop all your medication. I am not saying dont listen to you docotor. What I am saying is fight for your health. Remission is possible. .
#remission #medicationfree #freedom #pills #chronicillness #crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #crohnsfighter #forthehealth #onedayatatime #crohnslife #crohnsawareness #crohnsandcolitis #crohnsgirl #humira #stelera #prednisone #painkillers #antibiotics
I remember laying in the bed in 2007 after my first colonoscopy and hearing my docotor answer my mom when she asked him if he saw anything and he said "ya she has ulcerative colitis" (**this is a throw back picture from last year)
That was the first time I ever heard of any type of bowel disease. That was also the first time I ever really hard of any disease other than cancer.
Up until that moment I had no idea Chronic Illness was a thing. .
What do you mean I am going to be sick for the rest of my life? How is that possible? Why cant the docotors just fix me? Isnt there some type of pill I can take to just make this all better? .
Those where some of the scariest days of my life. I spent alot of time searching Google and looking for as much information as I could.
I am so happy that social media has give us a place where #crohnies and #spoonies can unite. .
The following years I found out I actually had Crohns. This picture was taken a year ago when I landed in the hospital (for who knows what time). This time I had a perforated bowl and the doctors gave me 2 choices #1. surgery #2. Humira
I choose humira which ended up damaging my body more.. (feel free to PM me if you want more info on that ) .
But what I wish I would have known over the last 12 years of suffering. The last 12 years of fighting every single day was the power to get better was within me. Docotors smushed that for me. They told me it was Chronic and it was a disease I was always going to have and diet or nothing I did would help. Well I call Bull$^it because I am in remission and I am sustaining it holistically. FOOD IS WHAT WE ARE MADE OF. How is our body going to heal when our mind isnt right and when we are feeding it garbage?! .
It almost makes me cry looking back at this photo and remembering how scared I was. How hopeless I felt. .
There is more to healing then what our western medicine doctors are talking about. (dont get me wrong I really value western medicine). .
#crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #crohnsfighter #forthehealth #onedayatatime #crohnslife #crohnsawareness #crohnsandcolitis #crohnsgirl #beforeandafter #weightgain #humira #stelera
When something bad happens you only have 3 choices. .
#1. You can let it define you
#2. You can let is destroy you
#3. You can let it strengthen you. .
Many of us stay subconsciously with the first 2 choices when going through our IBD journey. This looks like "Hi my name is natalie I have Crohns disease, I dont go out because I have Crohns disease, I dont see my friends any more because I have Crohns disease... etc." #2. looks like ... "why me, this is not fair, nothing will ever work to get me better, my life sucks, there is nothing I can do to make my life better, everyone around me doesnt understand and is making things worse". .
Those 2 options are easy to fall into because they are human nature but what about #3. It is not easy. It is the hardest choice but the one that give you the best quality of life. .
You were dealt some shitty cards but use those cards to become one STRONG BADASS WOMAN! Do you know anyone else who can suffer that amount of pain on a daily basis and still do life? If you can do that you can do ANYTHING. .
it's time to choose strength over self pity. It's time to take action and start making changes in your mindset. Believe in yourself. Be fierce in your pursuit of happiness. Follow your initiation and your soul. Dont let negative Nancy on your shoulder get to you. MAKE YOURSELF PROUD. .
If this post resonated with you dm me and let me know! I love hearing your stories. Are you going to be just a little bit stronger today? .
#dontletillnessdefineyou #crohnswarrior #crohnsfighter #forthehealth #onedayatatime #crohnslife #crohnsawareness #crohnsandcolitis #crohnsgirl #humira #stelera #crohns #crohnslife #crohnies #crohnsdisease #strongandsick #chronicallystrong
IBD has changed my body over and over.. From thick to thin, from swollen to depleted
The scale has gone all over the place over the last 8 years or so:
190lbs, 175lbs, 150lbs, 130lbs, 118lbs, 145lbs, 175lbs, 190lbs, 205lbs But you know what never changed? .
My worthiness! .
I have been so skinny that I look like I was going to snap and a close family member told me to eat a cheeseburger, and I've been so swollen that ive had multiple people comment on my "soon to come baby". Your mind can start playing tricks on you when people feel it's ok to comment on your body which you feel you dont control over.
I know mine did and still does. When I was 118lbs I felt like my stomach would never be flat. Now at 205lbs I feel like I will never "have my body back" but do you know what? I feel friken fabulous in this photo AND
I may be thick but I am healthy and so friken happy. I am loving my life and I am so blessed for the life I am living right now. Looking out to the ocean that day I felt such a sence of serenity and peace that I have never felt before. BECAUSE I know that I am treating my body like the temple it is. I am eating the most nourishing foods, moving and working on my mindset.
Our culture can make us feel like we need to fit into a certain box or we are not beautiful. Like we need to take up less space and be smaller. But I am here to tell you if you are worthy, beautiful and a goddess! Focus on your health, on fueling your body with foods that will heal it, not on how shrink it. .
P.S. Swipe Right to see what IG is showing you alot of the time. It is very easy to edit out "flaws" and to shrink your waist. Stop playing the comparison game you are perfect the way you are. YOU ARE WORTHY! Stop trying to be what you see on IG and be you. .
#beforeandafter #weightgain #weightloss #chronicillness #invisibleillness #invisibleillnessawareness #crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #crohnsfighter #forthehealth #onedayatatime #crohnslife #crohnsawareness #crohnsandcolitis #humira #stelera #biologics