stopsucking zerowaste plasticfree plastic plasticsucks climatechange sustainability bethechange breakfreefromplastic ditchdisposables ocean recycle reuse saveouroceans savetheplanet savetheturtles stopplasticpollution beatplasticpollution ecofriendly giveasip gogreen japan japanese lesswaste litterati litterpicking protecttheocean respectearth reusablestraw samurai океанбезпластика
Puka Beach, Boracay Island | Three hawksbill sea turtles were rescued from poachers and confiscated from illegal pet owners on Boracay island during their massive campaign against illegal wildlife trade. Under the supervision of Dr. Rizza Salinas, the sea turtles were rehabilitated, tagged and released just in time for the Philippines’ celebration of the month of the ocean last May together with @DENR_agos and @PlanetCORA.
Did you know that the critically endangered #HawksbillTurtle protects coral reefs by grazing on sponges that would otherwise outgrow the corals? If sponges were left to grow unchecked, they would cover the corals and kill the reef. This is just one of the many amazing reasons why sea turtles are crucial to our ocean’s biodiversity.
Sea turtles have roamed the ocean for over 150 million years, but today, their very existence is threatened by illegal wildlife trade, habitat loss and #PlasticPollution. 100,000 marine animals and over 1,000,000 sea birds DIE each year due to entanglement or ingestion - this includes every single endangered species of sea turtle on the planet.
#WorldSeaTurtleDay #WildForLife #SeaTurtleWeek #SeaTurtles
By REFUSING the use of single-use plastics, and with proper WASTE MANAGEMENT and RECYLING, we can prevent plastic pollution from harming sea birds, animals and the PEOPLE we love.
✋ DO NOT touch, feed or interfere with wildlife and their natural habitat. This could only cause harm or death. The best way to protect nature and animals is to leave them alone.
REPORT any illegal wildlife activity/trade to your local government officials or regional DENR office. Do not attempt any rescues yourself. The handling of these situations and wildlife must be done by professionals for the protection of the individual and the species involved.
#EndAngeredOceans #BeatPlasticPollution #WeAreCORA #CleanSeasPilipinas #CleanSeas #LifeBelowWater #SeaChangingCup #BreakFreeFromPlastic #StopSucking #HydrateLike #BecomeAnOceanKeeper #BeatPollution #WorldEnvironmentDay #OceanHero #OceanHeroes #BeatAirPollution #DENRagos #ClimateAction #WorldOceansDay #GlobalGoals
На днях ко мне обратилась Света @verbasibirskaya за советом по нашей любимой экотеме и я решила тут с вами пообсуждать, как ресторан/кофейня могут снизить свою нагрузку на природу. В ресторанном деле я на уровне «готовлю дома раз в неделю», но как частому посетителю заведений общепита и человеку, стремящемуся оставлять после себя минимум (дерьма), мне есть что сказать .
1. Трубочки. Тут несколько вариантов. Самый простой для заведения - перестать втыкать трубочки в коктейли по умолчанию, оставить посетителю возможность принять решение самостоятельно, как например, в @castrocafe (трубочки лежат в свободном доступе недалеко от кассы). Классно, если вы разместите рядом с трубочками информацию, что вы вообще-то заботитесь о природе, поэтому будете счастливы, если гость обойдётся без трубочки. Вариант два. Просто уберите трубочки из заведения. Повесьте информационный плакат #stopsucking, напишите классный пост в инстаграме, заработайте очки смелости. Вариант три. Заведите многоразовые трубочки и ёршики для них. Посетители с детьми счастливы, дети счастливо пьют молочные коктейли через бамбуковую трубочку и не пачкаются. Говорят, что в @onemorebar_irk многоразовые трубочки, но я сама не видела (ребята, как у вас?). 2. Перчатки. Перчатки, которые у нас стало модно подавать к бургерам - это колхозный колхоз. Колхознее только подавать гостям одноразовые влажные салфетки. От этого нужно просто отказаться, я даже не буду предлагать вам приносить перчатки только по запросу. Если в любимом заведении такое принято, не стесняйтесь писать им в директ, писать в книгу отзывов и предложений и скиньте им этот пост заодно (1/3)
Really love this art that @peanutbutterjellycat is creating! She is making it from repurposed and scrap textiles which makes it even better.
I also love this quote which I saw here on Instagram for the first time. But apparently it was used a lot during the Great Depression in the US. But man, does it fit our situation now! This is exactly the kind of thinking we need.
It is sort of interesting how a shortage of money can make this quote become a norm. But shortage of environmental resources is still not valued as high. Or at least not most resources. When is clean air, water and trees going to be worth as much as gold, oil and diamonds? ➡️
Picture by @peanutbutterjellycat
Today is #WorldOceansDay In honor of the most incredible place on earth, I thought I’d share some of my favorite images from the deep blue.
The ocean is my greatest source of calm and inspiration, just as it might be for you. It produces over half of our earth’s oxygen and holds over half of the life on earth. I’m sure you’ve read many other posts today about ways to take action to protect and preserve this life force (stop using single-use plastics, use ONLY reef safe sunscreen, stop supporting commercial fishing, just to name a few). PLEASE read those and take action in these areas! But please also get out and enjoy the ocean so you are reminded why it’s worth protecting — surf, bodyboard, swim, dive, whatever brings you joy Because that will solidify why all the information being shared today is SO damn important. #moreoceanlessplastic #savethewaves
Plastic straws and drink stirrers, and cotton buds with plastic stems will be banned from sale and use in England from next April
Nearly 5bn plastic straws are used each year in the UK, along with more than 300m plastic stirrers and close to 2bn cotton buds with plastic stems.
Huge numbers of these items, particularly cotton buds, are flushed down toilets or otherwise end up in litter – surveys have recently found waterways across the UK teeming with plastic, putting wildlife at risk.
Head to @guardian for the full story.
#plasticsucks #noexcuseforsingleuse
#passonplastic #banthestraw #thefinalstraw #stopsucking #refusethestraw #cottonbud #plasticfreeoceans #plasticpollution #generationsea #unflushables #marineconservation