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Aight. Double tap if you could use a new lightweight stroller!! I’m in Richmond having meetings with Larktale about some VERY EXCITING SECRET THINGS I CANNOT TELL YOU ABOUT. But, just for sh*ts and giggles, we decided to give one of you the chit chat!!! Want to learn more Info is on the last pic. BUT it only weighs 14.5 lbs, is suitable from 6 months to 55 lbs, and is self-standing when folded!!! HOLLER.
1. Make sure you like or double tap
2. Follow @thebabyguynyc and @larktale
3. Comment below
4. Tag a friend in a separate comment for an additional entry
5. Share in your stories just for fun!! ***Contest is not administered or endorsed by Instagram. Contest open to US residents 18 years of age and older. Contest is over at midnight PST, July 18th. Winner will be chosen at random*** .
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The world’s smallest folding stroller. by @gbglobalofficial
Follow @dontwastespace
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Fura gotowa !!! Wszystko gotowe ! Brakuje tylko Najważniejszej .
Wózek to terenówka od @stokkebaby model Trailz . Taki sam mieliśmy przy Mikołaju i nie zamieniłabym tego wózka na żaden inny ! To jeden z nielicznych wózków z pompowanymi kołami-na nasze tereny ⛰ idealny . Najnowszy model ma budkę praktycznie całkowicie zacieniającą dzidziusia, skórzaną rączkę i lżejszy stelaż . #stroller #strollerbaby #wozekdzieciecy #wózekdziecięcy #wozek #stokketrailz #stokke #stokkebaby #stokkelovers #stokkestroller #jestemwciazy #rodzew2019 #rodzewczerwcu #ciąża #wyprawka #lamillou #ladypeony #malomi_kids #yokodesign #kidsinterior #kidsinteriorlove #kidsinteriordesign #babyroomdecor #babyroom #babyroominspo #babyroomdecoration #babygirlroom
Ray Anthony is the perfect workout buddy!!! This @thule urban glide jogging stroller is amazing!!! Swivel front wheel for easy maneuverability, locks into place for jogging.
Ergonomic handlebar with a range of heights for parent's comfort. Rear suspension for a smooth and comfortable ride. Multi-position canopy for added weather protection.
Padded seat with vented top reclines to a near flat position for on-the-go naps. One-handed compact fold for storing and transporting. Large storage compartment with zippered water resistant cover. Peak-a-boo window with magnetic closure to see your child. I got mine in the custom color blue. This making working out fun, and entertaining for your little one to enjoy a good run at the park. #productreview #babyproductreview #babystroller #strollerbaby #thule #thulejoggingstroller #fitmom #babyworkout #stroller #babyfun #babies #babiesofinstagram #baby #babiesbabiesbabies #10monthsold #10months #10monthold #bringyourlife #babyshowergifts #babyshowergift #babyshowergiftideas #babyshowerregistry #joggingstroller #babyproducts
Strolling with our babies This @nuna_usa stroller and car seat is my fave for these leisurely strolls in the neighborhood. Baby Edie loves it too! She always falls asleep right away when we take our walks.
Also peep our little dachshund Savvy in the bottom basket. We had to say goodbye to Savvy not too long ago and this was our last walk together. She had an injury in her back and wasn’t able to walk anymore so I was happy to see that she fit in the basket. We love and miss Savvy so much and I’m so happy that we captured this picture. ❤️ #theishgirls #seattlemom #seattlekids #pnwfamily #mynuna
ah, jadi mommy itu sulit! apalagi mommy yang bekerja seperti aku.. pagi sampe malem, bahkan subuh sekalipun dijalanin la gimana namanya juga tugas ya kan! ga boleh ngomel
so, udah jadi mama sulit, aku harus pinter mencari dan menggunakan barang pun yang mudah, dan gampang di gunakan anytime supaya enggak wasting time ketika kita buru” akan menggunakanya
nah kalo stroller aku memilih @hello.fabio yang cabin size, gampang banget penggunaanya! tinggal klik langsung deh jadi☑️ buat jalan jalan sore kan so easy, ringan dan baby nya nyaman! thanks to for your recomended as always
nah bisa 2 macem mau ditutup kalau silau/ kalau anaknya tidur. bisa dibuka biar bisa liat minnie ngapain #babygirl #strollerbaby #myprincess #photooffheday #babydayout #babytools