studiorent rentalstudio studiobandung sewastudio fotostudio sewastudiobandung bandungphotography fotohamil fotomaternity fotomaternitybandung hazelstudio maternityphotography maternityphotoshoot maternitysession photostudio pregnancyphotoshoot rentalstudiobandung rentalstudiostudiojakarta rentstudio sewastudiojakarta studiorental prewedding studiofoto studiophotography studiorentalbandung bandungbanget bandungphotographer bandungphotostudio bandungstudio filmstudio r2d2прованс
Yesss happy birthday dude @elenahadinata you told me to not post the cute one I sent to you, so I don't
I know the birthday is indeed tomorrow but I want to post this today, so just consider it as early happy birthday from me hehe
Brushed by @velicia_vevel
Studio @iva.studios
#personalshoot #fashionphotography #fashioneditorial #fashionphotographer #beautyshoot #studiorent #studiobandung
CALL MY NAME EMILIJA @emilija_ @merrymodels .
Directed & photographed by @ivaphotos @zulhamsiregar
Styled by @zulhamsiregar
Retouched by @ivaphotos @fitraalimpsd
Asst stylist @wirosi_shofia @devt_aka
Brushed by @bertimakeup asst by @clairinejovitaa
Hair done by @syadiahzhen
Wardrobe @nindyanatasya
Art director @erikbastiara
Video @luthfi.nurdrajat @luckydarmawan.n
Studio @iva.studios .
#fashionshoot #fashioneditorial #beautyshoot #personalshoot #editorialphotography #studiobandung #studiorent #fashionphotography
CALL MY NAME EMILIJA @emilija_ @merrymodels .
Directed & photographed by @ivaphotos @zulhamsiregar
Styled by @zulhamsiregar
Retouched by @ivaphotos
Asst stylist @wirosi_shofia @devt_aka
Brushed by @bertimakeup asst by @clairinejovitaa
Hair done by @syadiahzhen
Art director @erikbastiara
Video @luthfi.nurdrajat @luckydarmawan.n
Studio @iva.studios .
#fashionshoot #fashioneditorial #beautyshoot #personalshoot #editorialphotography #studiobandung #studiorent #fashionphotography
CALL MY NAME EMILIJA @emilija_ @merrymodels .
Directed & photographed by @ivaphotos @zulhamsiregar
Styled by @zulhamsiregar
Retouched by @ivaphotos
Asst stylist @wirosi_shofia @devt_aka
Brushed by @bertimakeup asst by @clairinejovitaa
Hair done by @syadiahzhen
Art director @erikbastiara
Video @luthfi.nurdrajat @luckydarmawan.n
Studio @iva.studios .
#fashionshoot #fashioneditorial #beautyshoot #personalshoot #editorialphotography #studiobandung #studiorent #fashionphotography
«Ванна желаний»
Лепестки роз щекочат мое нежное тело,
аромат будоражит мою память
и достаёт из её глубин
маленькие желания и нежности.
Приятная музыка тихонько играет,а я лежу и нежусь,тая от удовольствия в ванне желаний...♀️
Часто ли ваши желания исполняются?☺️
От зависти люди стареют...
От обиды болеют...
От злости тупеют...
А от любви молодеют...
Любите и будьте любимыми...❤️