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A very warm welcome to the participants of week one of our Summer Courses. 70 students from 14 countries training with us all week. Today they have been enjoying classes in Ballet, Flamenco, Variations, Contemporary and Music Appreciation. We hope you enjoy! #summercourse #summertraining #intense #ballettraining #englishnationalballetschool #enbs #london #ballet #variations #music #musicappreciation #contemporarydance #contemporary #flamenco #international #mondaymotivation
It's been a dream of mine to run my own summer camp. I went to one as a kid, and I put on productions, and got lots of confidence.
#summercamp #camp #summer #travel #camping #education #kids #afterschool #fun #a #daycare #nyc #kidscamp #do #art #adventure #family #camplife #india #bangalore #children #athlete #friends #world #summercourse #viagem #paris #daycamp2019isgoingtobeincredible
We are missing our summer students already! You can hear a pin drop in our studios this afternoon. After a festive farewell party on Friday evening, the last of our Summer Course students moved out of the residence hall on Saturday. We hope everyone made it safely to their homes or vacation destinations. It was truly a privilege for our faculty and staff to work with so many talented dancers over the course of our five week program. We hope each summer student left with a sense of personal growth and accomplishment and memories to last a lifetime. Here's a look at some photos from inside the classroom and scenes from the final dance party.
#SABSummer2018 #farewell #schoolofamericanballet #ballet #summer #SummerCourse
Classroom photos by Rosalie O'Connor
Beasiswa musim panas DAAD yang disebut Hochschulsommerkurs (HSK) masih dibuka hingga tanggal 1 Desember mendatang. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada para mahasiswa yang sedang kuliah S1 atau S2 di universitas di Indonesia untuk mengikuti kegiatan musim panas selama maksimal 1 bulan di Jerman. Salah satu kegiatan yang penerima beasiswa HSK lakukan adalah mengikuti kursus bahasa Jerman di salah satu tempat kursus yang memang berafiliasi dengan program ini. Untuk melihat informasi lengkap beasiswa ini serta tempat kursus yang bekerjasama untuk program ini silakan lihat di
Salah satu tempat kursus yang bisa kalian daftar adalah Sprachenakademie Aachen atau disebut juga Sprachenzentrum an der FH Aachen. Informasinya bisa kalian baca di brosur yang kami upload ini ya.
#daadindonesia #daad #jerman #studyingermany #researchingermany #kuliahdijerman #risetdijerman #kuliah #beasiswa #beasiswajerman #scholarship #pendidikan #musimpanas #hsk #summer #summercourse #aachen #fhaachen #sprachenzentrum #lesbahasajerman
- Mostra Dança 2019 -
Alguns dos mestres do @mostradanca
Foi incrível poder aprender com profissionais tão maravilhosos!
@ceciliakerche no ballet clássico, assim como @195macha. @deaspositojazz no jazz e o @migueujr na maquiagem...
Que semana maravilhosa! Obrigada por tudo, @mostradanca
#ballet #balletclassico #summercourse #mostradanca #ballerina #bailarina #bailarinados_ #dance #lovedance #dancing #bailarina #cursodeferias