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HUGE shoutout to Carolyn for her awesome summer internship‼️ Carolyn is an Advertising Major in the Minerva Program for Creative Portfolio Specialization, with a minor in Art. As a Graphic Design Intern for Kappa Headquarters, we are so proud of everything Carolyn does for Kappa in and outside of Tuscaloosa!! Way to go! ⚜️ #SummerInternships #KKGenius #KeyKappa
‼️Attention College Students‼️ Apply now for a summer internship in Lakeside!
Benefits of interning with us:
Close to @kelleysisland, @visitputinbay &
Develop long lasting friendships & network
Housing included
Unlimited ice cream & sunsets
Award winning pizza @sloopyspizza
Hands-on experiences in a real world setting
Work closely with professionals in your field
To apply, visit the link in our bio. ⬆️
SIMSR congratulates Harshil Shah [@harshilcfc] , PGDM Marketing, Batch of 2017-19, who was the 1st Runner Up at Business Standard's [@business.standard] Best B-School Project Award 2018 in Mumbai.
His internship project with the consulting firm GEP Worldwide, helped them retain a key client account and led to the development of a new business vertical in form of a predictive analytics division in the organization. His budgeting forecasting tool for the CXO's was very well appreciated and adopted, and resulted in similar tools being requested for various geographies across the world.
Business standard ecopy -
#SIMSR #SummerInternships #MasterYourFutureAtSIMSR #intern #college #achievement
HEY counselors— comment an emoji of choice if you spent a summer at HVC and it changed your life If you’re a camp counselor at Hidden Valley Camp you can do any and all of these things: work with kids, work with artists, wear sailor hats, make art, work with animals, swim every day, sing, dance, experience Maine, feel sunshine on your face as part of your job, and so, so much more. Learn more at — you won’t regret it. #hiddenvalleycampmaine #campcounselor #counselorjobs #summerjobs #summerinternships #summerinus #usasummer #summerjob