inazumaeleven suzunofuusuke inazumaelevenorion anime inazuma nagumoharuya suzuno hiroto inazumaelevenares inazumaelevengo inazuma11 fubuki hirotokiyama midorikawaryuuji nagumo kidouyuuto endou endoumamoru fudouakio gouenji midorikawa fubukiatsuya fubukishirou gouenjishuuya atsuya endoudaisuke fudou kidou shirou genos
#inazumaeleven #inazumaelevenares #inazumaelevenorion #inzumaelevengo #illustration #foot #manga #otaku #anime #claude #claudebeacons #beacons #torch #brun #nagumoharuya #nagumo #haruya #suzunofuusuke #suzuno #fuusuke #gazelle #fox #brycewithingale #bryce #withingale #byronlove #byron #love #afuroterumi
in this house we love and appreciate edgy turntail soccer anime antagonists whose only readily available clips are from even edgier 360p amvs on youtube
in other news that one scale is really bugging me i love glitches
ac #hinaudios
dt @sh.sinful —
#xymonthly / a liked character to a disliked character (idk if everyone disliked him but b i t c h i hated fudou sm at first so yeet)
#drinkyourmirku / a character associated w your favourite colour (my fav colours are yellow dark teal and maroon)
#kosumomonthly / favourite voice actor (kaji yuuki back at it again)
#plusultramonthy / edit your mudae harem (i may not have fudou yet but i have haruya and fuusuke in one harem lmao)