sysysy sewing visytokiga visygale ompelu ompeluel homemade hemsytt memademay2019 barnkl sewingforkids sewsewsew syselv jubelogbalubabok skandinaviasyr sygal handmade hemmasytt jersey ministylefinland saumanvara sewcialists sewingmama krestoffer
The #kabukitee from @paper_theory has interesting angled inset sleeves and works equally well in both vowen and knits. It’s a quick make and highly recommended. I’ve made two, the light blue is in cotton shirting from @misanretail and the off-white is in linen jersey from @wearethefabricstore. Now I hope for warmer weather so I can wear these - I know I asked for a normal Scandinavian summer after last year’s heatwave, but I didn’t mean it this literally ☔️ Swipe to see the fit . ............................................... #papertheorypatterns #isew #memade #handmade #ilovetosew #imakemyownclothes #handmadewardrobe #diywardrobe #makersgonnamake #sewover50 #sewsewsew #sysysy #nähen #coutoure #skandinaviasyr #oslosews #visygale #visytokiga #memadeeveryday #sewersofinstagram
My fellow #sewingwife @bygousheh made this #zadiejumpsuit as her toilie for our #YouPickWeSew challenge! I absolutely love it! Can’t wait for her “finished” make❤️ •
We can’t really wait, and as it seems neither can you, so we’ll post later tonight
#sew #sewing #diy #homemade #imakemyclothes #imakemyownclothes #imakefashion #sewsewsew #sewist #sewists #sewistofinstagram #sewistsofinstagram #sewcialist #sewcialists #sewityourself #nähen #ompelu #couture #sewersgonnasew #sysysy #sypeppen #visytokiga #genusmedvetnasytokar
SPONSORED POST: It’s time guys, for my #YouPickWeSew jumpsuit reveal!
This is my take on #vougepattern #V9075 made in a crepe gifted to me from @minervacrafts I love love love it!
Tomorrow is the last day to join our competition and we are so grateful and amazed by all the lovely seamstresses that have entered our competition with your jumpsuits. You have until tomorrow midnight Sunday, June 2nd (GMT+1). Just look at my or @bygousheh grid for more information on how to join!❤️
We will pick a winner for the fantastic prize from @minervacrafts on Monday!❤️
#sew #sewing #diy #homemade #imakemyclothes #imakemyownclothes #imakefashion #sewsewsew #sewist #sewists #sewistofinstagram #sewistsofinstagram #sewcialist #sewcialists #sewityourself #nähen #ompelu #couture #sewersgonnasew #sysysy #sypeppen #visytokiga #genusmedvetnasytokar #stitchingmalins #ypws #youpickwesewjumpsuit
Last days of #YouPickWeSew jumpsuit challenge! I made a #zadiejumpsuit! I made it the first days of May, and have worn it a lot. That is why I haven't shown you so many outfits on #memademay2019, cause I have been wearing this. And another jumpsuit, cause this is actually a toille. But I might like it even better than my fancy- fabric-one!!! .
I love this pattern!!! This is a really stiff fabric and I still feel great in it. After a hole day of wearing this, I feel that the crotch is a little low for me, it would be more comfy for the upper thigh if the crotch hit a few centimeters higher aka more fabric in that area. (Thighs sticking together isn't my thing) But with my other make (same pattern different fabric) I don't feel that at all. .
The fabric is old curtains from my mother's. It's what we here call "Indian cotton" a stiffer tightly weaved cotton suitable for table cloths and curtains. And Zadies!!!!! .
#zadiefever #sewingchallenge #sewersgonnasew #sewersofinstagram #handmadewardrobe #jumpsuitfever #jumpsuit #seemstress #sewcialists #sysysy #hemsytt #byxdress #visytokigaumeå #visytokiga #uåsyr #stitchingmalins #skapargäris #sömnad #sömnadsinspo #ompelu #couture #nähen
Den här bebisen kommer bli färggladast i stan #kamilladesign #elvillebarnklader #sosewme #madebyruni #bebiskläder #inspirationforflickor #inspirationforbarn #inspirationforpojkar #visytokiga #visygale #sysysy #sy #hemsytt #syrpåbeställning #jukisverige #omlottbody #newbornset #viföräldrar #viföräldrargravid #regnbågskullar
Massor med nyheter, stuvarna är påfyllda och REAtygerna är ytterligare prissänkta
Nyhet på bild: DORIS - BLÅ av @johanna_ahlard
Foto & inspiration: @are_made
#visytokiga #tyg #jersey #fabric #stoff #johanna_ahlard #are_made
#retro #knitting #colorful #trikåtyg #diy #pyssel #sysysy #ekologiskatyger #fabricstore #tygaffär #euroknit #nähenistoll #fabriclove #visygale #childrensfabric #fabricforkids #jersey #mjukatyger #dinguidetilltygriket
Massor med nyheter, stuvarna är påfyllda och REAtygerna är ytterligare prissänkta
Nyhet på bild: DORIS - BLÅ av @johanna_ahlard
Foto & inspiration: @are_made
#visytokiga #tyg #jersey #fabric #stoff #johanna_ahlard #are_made
#retro #knitting #colorful #trikåtyg #diy #pyssel #sysysy #ekologiskatyger #fabricstore #tygaffär #euroknit #nähenistoll #fabriclove #visygale #childrensfabric #fabricforkids #jersey #mjukatyger #dinguidetilltygriket
Mönstersläpp av underbara #MaJolie av @bonchipie. Jag har fått äran att vara med och testsy och detta är en av klänningarna jag sytt. Fler bilder kommer (Sponsrat mönster)
Tyget från passar som handen i handsken med denna klänning (är med och tävlar). #bonchipie #elvelyckandesign #elvelyckaninspo #staycreative #elvillebarnklader #inspirationforflickor #inspirationforbarn #klänning #mönstersläpp #patternrelease #barnklänning #sommarklänning #visytokiga #visygale #sysysy #sy #hemsytt #testsömnad #jukisverige #nähen #stoff #nähenisttoll #nähenfürkinder #schnittmuster