t1diabetes diabetes type1diabetes t1dlookslikeme typeonediabetes diabadass diabetestype1 diabetic type1 dexcom diabetesawareness insulinpump diabeteslife insulin typeone typeonediabetic type1diabetic bloodsugar insulindependent diabeticlife jdrf type2diabetes beyondtype1 dexcomg6 diabetescommunity omnipod diabetestipo1 type1strong diabetes1 diabet_khv
Teags loves seeing your #catchateagan posts and stories! I save them all in my archives and sometimes she asks to see all the “1-2-3s”. I know it make her feel close to all her #diabuddies out there! ❤️❤️ Photo cred @elizabethshaww
#catchateagan #t1d #t1diabetes #t1diabetesawareness #diabudies #t1dkids #diabetes #type1diabetes
5-15-2019 I was diagnosed with Type-One Diabetes. It was a crazy experience feeling the symptoms on vacation throughout each day. It started to get worse when I got home from vacation, and the night before I went to the hospital was when we knew something was really wrong, the next morning it was like nothing I’ve ever felt, I could barely stand, and felt like I was about to pass out.
I will be explaining more about the situation and what all of this means & what to do if you feel these symptoms in a YouTube video soon.
Some things happen, the only thing to do is keep going.
Thank you to everyone who has shown love & support, it truly means the world. ❤️
Situations when my insurance provider makes me go “Huh, are you kidding me?!?” My insurance provider refusing to cover my insulin My insurance provider only allowing me 3 blood sugar test strips a day
My insurance provider requiring prior authorization for my CGM transmitter but not my sensors
Are they trying to slowly kill me or just make my life more difficult than it needs to be?
Having to prove that I’m type 1 diabetic and need my meds every year does nothing but steal time from my life and add yet another paper trail to my insurance file.
I need my insulin every day to survive and I need to manage my 6-10 daily insulin doses as well. I need up to 10 test strips daily to do so successfully (when not using my CGM). If I miscalculate a dose, I could OD and die. If I consistently under-dose, my diabetes will be mismanaged and I could develop diabetes-
related complications over time.
For now, I am stuck in an endless battle and long phone calls (and I don’t enjoy elevator music that much) with my insurance company.
What a waste of time and energy!! Think about how much money we could save in this country if most people with chronic conditions didn’t have to deal with this EVERY SINGLE YEAR! ..
#type1diabetes #DiabetesStrong #diabadass #type1diabetes #diabeticlife #diabetesawareness #T1DLOOKSLIKEME #T1D #t1dstrong #type1strong #t1diabetic #t1diabetes #diabetic #type1 #typeone #t1diabetesawareness #typeonediabetes #type1diabetic #type1warrior #insulindependent #t1dlife #type1d #diabetestype1 #bloodsugar #diabetes
Thanks for sharing @boymom0413
#pimpmydiabetes #pimpmypump #t1diabetes #t1d #t1dlookslikeme #type1diabetic #type1d #type1 #typeone #typeonediabetes #diabeauty #diabetes #diabeteslife #type1strong #diabadass #insulindependent #insulinjunkie #t1diabetesawareness #medtronic #medtronic640g #medtronic670g #670g
Anyone else tend to go low at night That’s actually pretty common and there can be a few factors contributing to it.
If on MDI (manual daily injection), when do you take your basal? Some basal insulins will peak after 7 hours, so if you take your shot around 7-8 PM, it will be peaking around 2-3 AM which can lead to a low. But more likely, the reason you go low at night is related to your hormones.
Our cortisol levels drop dramatically overnight. The reason why this is relevant is that cortisol is directly correlated with insulin resistance. Basically, low cortisol levels = low insulin resistance = more likely to go low.
Knowledge is power and this is part of what I go over with my diabetes coaching clients. The more you know, the less random diabetes seems, and the easier it gets to manage. It will never be easy, but it can get easier.
If you are interested in diabetes coaching, shoot me a message or check out my coaching page (link in bio for the next 24 hours) ..
#type1diabetes #DiabetesStrong #diabadass #type1diabetes #diabeticlife #diabetesawareness #T1DLOOKSLIKEME #T1D #t1dstrong #type1strong #t1diabetic #t1diabetes #diabetic #type1 #typeone #t1diabetesawareness #typeonediabetes #type1diabetic #type1warrior #insulindependent #t1dlife #type1d #diabetestype1 #bloodsugar #diabetes
#diabetesinthewild #diabetesmanagement #diabetescoach