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CURSO: Técnicas de Sobrevivência Urbana Data: 28/04 (Domingo) a partir das 8:30hs.
Será realizado confrontos simulados utilizando Airsoft e no final, pista de tiro de ação e reação.
OBJETIVO DO CURSO: Desenvolver a habilidade de deslocamento em área de risco, bem como o combate em ambiente confinado CQB.
Investimento: R$ 500,00 em 3x no cartão, Inclusos no valor do investimento a alimentação, certificado, equipamentos de segurança, armamento e munição.
#assaulttreinamentotatico #tirotatico #tirodefensivo #tacticalshooting #defensiveshooting #dontbeasheep #donttreadonme #clubedetiro #cursodetiro #molonlabe #whodareswins #vaevença #strenghtandhonor #forçaehonra #traininghardcombateasy #oneasstorisk #vinividivici #nondvcordvco #pewlife
A look through the Vortex Viper PST Gen 2.
From Vitamindeeez
Pistol sniper in training.
people tell me all the time they can’t hit targets at distance with a pistol.
The student was not able to hit targets at 30 and 40 yards before. And now he’s able to make 100 yard shots in less than 6 hours worth of training.
Obviously you’re not going to justify making 100 yard shots with a pistol necessarily. However my thought process is if you can do this at 100 yards what can you do a 10 feet?
Have a great Sunday! Be safe.
#tacticalu #firearmstraining #glock17 #handguntraining #pistolcraft #pistolsniper #pistoltraining #tacticalshooting #selfdefense #southflorida
Anyone want to shoot Tactical rifles out of helicopters? This is by far the best and coolest shooting experience I’ve EVER had. Thank you @californiatacticalacademy for working hard and making this possible .
We’re having another event on May 4th! May the 4th be with you The morning is already sold out so book it while you can! This is definitely a bucket list worthy activity I’ll put the link in my stories and you can also click on the link in my bio
What’s your firearm of choice?
#tactical #tacticalgear #tacticaltraining #tacticaltuesday #tacticalathlete #tacticaltürkiye #tacticallife #tacticalshooting #tacticalpistol #pistol #pistols #tacticalcaptain #pistolshooting #safariland #safarilandholster #inforce #pistolshooting #recoilmanagement #canik #caniktp9sf #caniktp9sfx #caniktp9sfelite #inforceapl #pubg #pubgtürkiye
Reposted from @blackarms_gun_club_south_fl - Alright family, another training on the books, we'd like to thank @tailoreddefensetraininggroup for facilitating an excellent two day tactical pistol/rifle course... a special thanks goes out to our VP @carter_vpbagc and staff @asaafirearmstraining here at the @blackarms_gun_club_south_fl... thank you to all those who participated this past weekend.
#NAAGA #blackarmsgunclub #miami #homesteadtrainingcenter #floridagunlife #dadecounty #tacticalshooting #tailoreddefensetraininggroup
CÜMLETEN SELAMUN ALEYKÜM (Hayırlı Geceler) ■patlamayan mermi , ardından şarjor degistirme■ Kim ne derse desin pes etmek yok yola devam ☺ @cartel_tactical #16Yaasinda #16YEARSOLD #16yaâsinda #16yearsold #taktik #tactical #trainhard #taranarms #tacticalshooting #tacticalshooter #tacticool #türkiyetaktikatış #taktik #trexarms #türk #trexarmskydex #tacticalgear #teamzero #defense #defence #artofdefense #bireyselsavunma #trexarms #trexarmskydex #teamzero #airsoft #airsofttürkiye #combatarms #combatshooting #combatshooter #poligon #operator #instructor #ertugruland #fbtactical @cartel_tactical
You know what we hate? Wasting !!! Especially wasting on gear that needs to be replaced in less than a year.
Our TACTICAL BELT is made to be worn everyday and last for YEARS. This is not a duty belt. This is THE duty belt. -
Safe Life Defense promises to ALWAYS provide QUALITY and NEVER .
#range #rangeday #dutybelt #battlebelt #tacticalgear #tacticalthursday #lawenforcement #security #gunsofinstagram #uspsa #competitionshooting #police #thinblueline #quality #madetolast #tacticalshooting