naturalhair talkischeap africanamericanhistory backfromthedead bantuknots blackhistory blackleaders blackqueen blackwomen budaah charlestontourism closedeyesee fashion geechee godfrey grandmoma gullah gullahjac halleluyah healing iseethelight iwillhypnotizeyou knowhisname motheremanuelchurch redemption reparations slavehistory tictoc вангхеди
Every man won't see a wife in you. He wasn't supposed to. It's not his fault and he's not a bad guy. But if he knows that's not how he sees you but he keeps you around until he finds someone he does see a potential wife in he IS wrong. No one deserves to be strung along. To avoid being over invested into someone who doesn't feel the same way, mirror their relationship behavior. If he wants to spend time with you or call you he will. If you feel like you are single handedly holding up the relationship it may be time to take a step back and see what he does (or doesn't do) when you're not calling the shots. A man's actions tell you more about how he truly feels about you more than words ever could. You are no man's place holder! Type "show me" if you're an actions over words kinda girl.
. #talkischeap #shhhshowme #lifecoachshawn #boazblockers #saynotosituationships #goodmenstillexist #timewasters #saynotoconfusedmen #boybye
A Golden Rule to apply to your life...
Don’t make promises you cannot keep.
This is a easy mistake to make when getting caught up in the moment.
Our promises are essentially our verbal contracts that we make with each other and with ourselves.
If you’ve broken a promise, you've broken one of these contracts and although it won’t stand up in the court of law ; it will definitely stand up in the court of friends, family and your teammates that relied heavily on you.
And that’s the harsh truth...
A top contributor in disconnects within relationships stem from communication where people make promises they can’t keep.
Your word is one of the most important things that you have to offer. So it’s important to take seriously what comes out of your mouth.
Simply put , ’ ’ .
The high performing leaders who keep their promises boost performance, enhance credibility, inspire employees, and build trust; those who break promises lose credibility and ultimately trust.
Lesson of the day.... , .
It’s a for sure formula to dominate in everything that you do.
#overdeliver #earnit #credibility #leadership #dominate #promise
It’s so damn easy these to make our lives LOOK like anything we want them to, but who are you when no one is watching?
Are you actually putting in the necessary steps to get to where you want to go?
Write down those goals
Figure out what step one is.
Fucking GO.
There’s no dress rehearsal for life, make moves or get left behind.
#talkischeap #hviiibrandgoods #spreadhviii #alwaysparty #hviiiedsincewemadeit
Gettinn beefyyyy
Building a physique has taken yearssss of trial and error for me.
(And I’ve still got big goals)
Honestly because I tried extreme dieting during my first several years of lifting♀️
And I feel like a lot of women also fall into this trap
We go into extremely low calories thinking we’ll get “lean” enough when we don’t have the muscle built just yet.
(Seriously, I remember when I thought 1500 calories was A LOT)
Getting out of that extreme caloric deficit & pushing my limits while training has not only been SOOO much fun, but the strength & muscle is coming along with it