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Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

想要有效清粒粒,退暗瘡印痕及全效美白? 關鍵在於成份啊! 百分百源自澳洲的 TandHK™ 專為問題性皮膚研發溫和而有效的護理配方,將高品質天然成份與科學結合... . . 【#starshk 】白滑美肌新體驗{TandHK™ 3P}系列,美白去疤去粒粒 ==> #tandhk #KakaduPlum #PhenylethylResorcinol #VitaminC3 #OrchisMasculaExtract #beauty #lifestyle #yasuyuki

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

I've been following this new brand as they have been planning releases of new products @tandhk - this one has me especially interested (I have a new scar because I fell flat on my face a few months ago). Anyhow, has anyone seen this line yet? Lots of wonderful products Products on their Instagram! They look really beautiful and Come from Australia. Definitely at the top of my list to explore! ・・・#Repost from @tandhk Beautiful and desired TandHK™ Perfection for Dark Spots and Acne Scarring will be released for the FiRST time ever at Cosmoprof Asia in Hong Kong on November 16th ❤️ . This is a true beauty must have. #hongkong #beautybloggers #beauty #cosmoprofasia #cosmoprof2016 #lovethewayyoulook #tandhk #tandhkperfection #tandhkskincare #beautymusthave #ontrend #ontrendbeauty. Credit to for beautiful photography

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

Read my review on @tandhk pimple cream, now on the blog! Especially if you have acne, rosacea or problem skin! #tandhk #australianbeauty #skincare #skin #skincareroutine #sotd #bblogger #ukblogger #livblogger #liverpoolblogger #beauty #theeverygirl #howyouglow #thatsdarling #livethelittlethings #chooselovely #enjoythelittlethings #prettylittlethings #pursuepretty #bloggerlife #bloggergirl #bloggersofinstagram #discoverunder5k #discoverunder10k #instagood #instabeauty #instadaily #skin #gold #girlboss

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

【石頭瘡都搞得掂,我見過,我真係見過!暗瘡粉刺白武士】 TandHK PRESTIGE 特級暗瘡粉刺抗炎膏 15ml 關於暗瘡呢,我同好多紅痘兵苦主膠流過。邊個見過Jackeline?冇?我都冇見過。我真係冇見過..... 屌,做乜啫!你又唔係宣傳易條西裝友,邊個話有暗瘡問題一定要搵Jackeline架啫! 雖然瘋瘋冇喺國力報讀皮膚科銜接課程乜乜乜,但自從誤闖美容界,遇得暗瘡友多,發現雖然清痘痘手法層出不窮,但都萬法歸一,一個字,好L乾!仲要係乾到甩皮果隻!想用粉底遮遮佢啫,卡粉卡到仆hi呀陰公! 由澳洲遠道而嚟嘅「TandHK Prestige特級暗瘡粉刺抗炎膏」擁有真正兩大優勢,一個極溫和,一個極有效!事關佢由獨特配方調和而成,其中包括國際認可嘅純天然原料紫蘭花。質感同平時嘅藥膏差唔多,有些少杰身,但又估佢唔到咁快吸收!除咗有12小時消炎退瘡去紅印去雀斑呢啲威豬史之外,仲比一般暗瘡膏補濕,可以幫肌膚lock住水分,舒緩皮膚乾燥到裂嘅慘況! 親,你估你粒暗瘡係李波咩!吱完第二日就被失蹤!吱完只會令佢有機會發炎咋!好在有TandHK執你手尾做消炎咋!哪怕吱黑頭吱損咗、bb豬剃鬚失手整損咗,佢都可以輕鬆修復好件事!嗱,有圖當然代表有真相!瘋瘋毛la la爆咗一堆粉刺同暗粒,搽咗佢4日就冇擰晒事,完全冇甩過脫!仲玩到一日就退到紅印咁惡,其他產品邊夠你嚟呀? 極邪惡消瘡成分: 純淨水、荷荷芭油、甘油異硬脂酸酯、聚莖基硬脂酸、鯨蠟硬脂醇、天然乳化劑、甘油、綿羊油、聚二甲基矽氧烷、礦物油、辛甘醇、苯氧乙醇、PEG-20硬脂酸酯、丙三醇、強壯紅門蘭花提取物、薰衣草油、生育酚乙酸酯、黃原膠

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

Getting breakouts is already stressful enough & here comes the aftermath - dark spots, depression marks & scarring that don’t seem to go away. I myself have been dealing with that for a long time ever since my episode with acne during my teenage years. My skin metabolism has always been on the slow side hence with this amazing serum by TandHK™, I was thrilled to use it to target the dark spots & acne scarring. . It contains Kakadu Plum extract which has the highest concentrations of Vitamin C amongst all the natural plants, even 100 times more than an orange! It helps to reduce any hyper-pigmentation, evens out the skin tone & best of all, I love how it plumps up the skin especially the areas where my acne marks are. With a smoother skin surface, I’m certainly continuing my usage of TandHK™ Perfection to achieve a healthier looking complexion. I can’t wait to say goodbye to those acne scars for good! . Thank you once again TandHK for sending me all your products from Australia! Do send them some love @tandhk & best of all local peeps, you can finally purchase them on @lazada_sg . Do stick around as I’ll be doing my very first giveaway of their amazing products really soon, spread the word! . XOXO, Melissa #makeupartist #beautyblogger #instablogger

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

One of the best ways to achieve radiant, beautiful skin is by incorporating Vitamin C into your skincare regime. I was certainly excited to try out TandHK™ Pure as it’s a serum that contains Kakadu Plum extract which has the highest concentration of Vitamin C among all the natural plants. This power-packed antioxidant reduces the signs of aging & boost collagen production. With a combination of Phenylethyl Resorcinol, this whitening agent can be found in scotch pine bark which has been clinically proven to brighten the skin tone. After all, I doubt anyone wants to have a dull, sluggish-looking complexion! . After about 2 weeks of using it, my skin looks firmer & more rejuvenated. It even helped to brighten up Mr Towpich’s dull complexion. I’m indeed thankful to the wonderful people of TandHK for sending me their products. Do send them some love @tandhk & best of all local peeps, you can finally purchase them on @lazada_sg TGIF! . XOXO, Melissa #makeupartist #beautyblogger #instablogger

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

Lolo Skinny熱潮一發不可收拾 上次出肚腩貼 有好多媽媽問有無出大腿小腿 夏天成日著短褲☀️瘦大腿小腿很重要❗️ ✅迅速消脂 ✅收大腿小腿 ✅韓國專利 ✅韓國紫外線協會測試 ✅韓國製造 韓國Lolo Skinny Patch 腿部懶人溶脂貼 好多靚媽都話腰部懶人溶脂貼唔夠喉! 要溶脂就梗係要一SET過啦! 冇理由淨係瘦肚架嘛! 一於草齊一SET! 係屋企坐住瘦腰瘦腿啦! 呢加想消脂,想收大小腿贅肉仲洗乜咁辛苦做運動 仲要做到身水身汗啊! 就咁貼一塊溶脂貼, 坐係到唔洗郁 輕輕鬆鬆就消到脂,收到大小腿贅肉啦! 仲可以貼住佢嚟做運動,效果係增強3倍咁多 唔好睇懶人溶脂貼咁細塊 佢可以包起大小腿贅肉,迅速收縮大小腿,消除脂肪 瘦大小腿贅肉脂肪 産後哺乳放心使用,無副作用 最適合生完bb或日日坐office有粗腿嘅靚媽們 男女合用 專利成份跟設計,經臨床試驗,權威機構檢測!完全無副作用 韓國TV HOME SHOP 排第一位,最多韓國人購買的產品 連台灣女人我最大都有極力推薦! 【韓國Lolo Skinny Patch腿部懶人溶脂貼】 ⭐韓國專利成份及設計,經臨床試驗權威機構檢測 ⭐三星投保一億韓元保險,權威機構檢測,可放心使用 ⭐迅速收縮腿圍,消除脂肪 ⭐可覆蓋到大腿小腿 ⭐一盒10貼,每日使用, 3盒一個療程 ⭐採用天然綠茶提取物 ➕咖啡因 :強化皮膚彈力,排除水腫 ➕辣椒素 :減少體內 ➕脂肪減肥特效成分Soohoricoside :有效分解脂肪,預防肥胖 ⭐韓國製造 ⭐韓國紫外線協會測試 使用方法 : 1. 先把中間的透明纸模拿掉粘到大小腿上,再把覆蓋大小腿部位的透明紙模拿下來貼上 2. 敷4-8小時,不可超過8小時,可每天使用一次或隔天使用。頭一次用可能唔習慣可以隔日使用。約2個星期後 身體適應後, 就可以每日都貼4-8小時增強功效 3. 避免貼在有傷口的地方 4. 出汗、衣服摩擦都不會掉落,無任何副作用。 5. 持續溫熱效果,經期也可放心使用! 容量: 一盒10貼裝 (舊款得5貼裝 新款超抵!) (一個療程 = 一日用一次 3盒為一個療程 ) (韓國Blogger介紹連續8個星期最有效) #loloskinnypath #瘦身貼 #瘦肚貼 #lolo #tremelladx #日本酵素 #排素瘦身 #韓國批發 #護膚品批發 #skinkey #epionce #ronas #zero9 #ssshiny #eriis #tandhk

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

I’m absolutely thankful to the kind people at TandHK @tandhk for sending me their skincare products especially Prestige which is formulated to address problem skin like pimples & blemishes. Personally I’m not blessed with a flawless complexion as I had to deal with acne breakouts during my teenage years. Even now in my 20s, I still get some pimples & blemishes. And if some of you are like me, you can understand the frustration of going through different brands of acne/pimple creams, only to know that they didn’t work. The only one that helped me was a treatment gel that I got from my doctor, however it was very drying to my skin & I had to deal with mild peeling around the affected areas. . Fortunately with TandHK Prestige, I didn’t have any issues with dryness & my pimples actually heal faster (within 24 hours!) comparing to my treatment gel. It contains Orchis Mascula (Purple Orchid) flower extract which is a symbol of beauty throughout the world as it helps to soothe & condition the skin. Manufactured in Australia, this unisex cream is gentle & effective for pimples & blemishes sufferers just like me. . Do check them out @ & continue to watch this space as I’ll be doing my very first giveaway with 3 amazing products from TandHK! . XOXO, Melissa #makeupartist #beautyblogger #instablogger

Hashtags for theme #TANDHK

I am so, so greatful to @tandhk for topping me up. I blogged about these about a year ago, they clear up acne, blemishes and moisturise your skin over night. Dare I saw a wonder product?! An Aussie brand that delivers to the UK. Have you found any wonder products? #t&HK #tandhk #australianbeauty #skincare #skin #skincareroutine #sotd #bblogger #ukblogger #livblogger #liverpoolblogger #beauty #theeverygirl #howyouglow #thatsdarling #livethelittlethings #chooselovely #enjoythelittlethings #prettylittlethings #pursuepretty #bloggerlife #bloggergirl #bloggersofinstagram #discoverunder5k #discoverunder10k #instagood #instabeauty #instadaily #skin #gold #girlboss

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