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Learn how to tape your ankles in 1 minute!
Here are 4 tips to tape your ankle like a pro!
1️⃣ Avoid creases at all cost as it makes the taping less effective and can cause blisters!
2️⃣ Apply even firm pressure when applying the tape to avoid pressure spots
3️⃣ Increase or decrease the number of strips applied each step depending on the support you need!
4️⃣ Use an underwrap like fixomull for better comfort or if you're prone to skin irritation.
Refer to video for the how-to!
TAG a mate who tapes their ankles and spread the knowledge! ♂️♀️
CUCI GUDANG KINESIO!!! Harga eceran 40rb Jadi 30rb
Harga GROSIR lebih murah lagi
Jangan sampe kehabisan
Minat invite pin D78163AD
Line muftifaozan
Wa 087737467883
#tapingjogja #kinesiotapingjogja #kinesiotape #kinesiotapejogja #kinesiotapingyk #kinesiology #kinesiojogja #kinesiologytape #taping #tapejogja #taping #kinesiotaping #jualtapingjogja #jualkinesiojogja #jualtaping
@portal_da_fisio - Músculos Flexores do joelho:
↪️M. Bíceps femoral
➡️Origem: Porção longa na tuberosidade isquiática e porção curta na linha áspera do fêmur ➡️Inserção: Cabeça da fíbula
➡️Inervação: nervo isquiático
➡️Ação: extensão de quadril, flexão de joelho e extensão do tronco.
↪️M. Semitendinoso
➡️Origem: Tuberosidade isquiática
➡️Inserção: Face medial do corpo da tíbia, proximalmente
➡️Inervação: nervo isquiático
➡️Ação: Extensão de quadril, flexão de joelho e extensão do tronco
↪️M. Semimembranoso
➡️Origem: Tuberosidade isquiática
➡️Inserção: Côndilo medial da tíbia, póstero-medialmente
➡️Inervação: Nervo isquiático
➡️Ação: Extensão de quadril, flexão de joelho e extensão de tronco
↪️M. Gastrocnêmio
➡️Origem: côndilos medial e lateral do fêmur
➡️Inserção: calcâneo
➡️Inervação: Nervo tibial
➡️Ação: Flexão do joelho e flexão plantar do pé e tornozelo.
#fisioterapiadesportiva #fisiodesportiva #fisio #ventosa #ventosaterapia #fisioterapia#eletroterapia #medicinachinesa #ktape #kinesiotape #terapiamanual #fisioterapia#fisioporamor #fisioterapeuta #bandagem #bandagemfuncional #Taping #kenso #kenzocase#fisioterapia #fisioterapeuta #fisioterapiasempre #instafisio #fisioterapiaesportiva
#Terapiamanual #Fisioterapiaporamor #saúde #Reabilitação #physioterapy #fisios #saúde #fisioterapiadomiciliar #anatomia
Hi girls from Turkey
It is only 6 days left till our face taping workshop in Istanbul Me and my colleague dr.Dilya Shcheglova will teach you to apply the tapes, to get rid of edemas, wrinkles, to tonify and relax the muscles. Dr.Dilya is a neurologist and an Aesthetic taping creator in Russia. Are you ready
If you are planning to come please write me in private messages so I could write you down in the list of participants.
The cost is 90 euros per person if you write me in private messages and confirm your participation (I will write you down in the list)
❗️If you are in group of three or more persons I will apply a discount
If you come the day of event without being on the list, the price for you will be 110 euros per person
⏰February, 17th
The workshop lasts 8 hours
From 10 am till 6 pm
It will take place in the conference room in The Central Palace Hotel Taksim (Lamartin Street No: 18)
@columbiatools Tomahawk special report
Swipe for full video.
Black Hearts.
#columbiatools #innovation #tools #drywallfinisher #drywallnation #finishblades #repost #drywall #гипсокартон #tapingtools #drywallcontractor #renovation #sheetrock #howto #taping #insulation #drywalls #drywalltaper #construction #drywalltooldesigns #taperlife #gypsum #drywalling #blackhearts
При болях в руке можно тоже применять тейпирование. На данном фото пациентку несколько лет беспокоит боль в лучезапястном суставе #тейп #кинезиотейп #тейпирование #кинезиотейпирование #tape #taping #kineziotape #kineziotaping #боль #лечениеболи #купированиеболи #врач #реабилитация #больвспине #тейпированиеростов #кинезиотейпированиеростов #кросстейпирование #лимфодренаж #тейпированиелица #купитьтейп #тейпированиемосква #эстетическоетейпирование#мaрт28_ #likерost #justfooto #protaping61 #физиотерапевт #здоровье #фигура #марттам
⭐️Scared to tape your clients eyes? Don’t be. ⭐️
There’s many different Eyepads, tapes and techniques you can use to cater to the client’s eye shape. .
Different eye shapes can require another method of taping for the client’s comfort.
Classic Training March 17-18th
@vane_myaddiction @samantha_myaddiction @angie_myaddiction @trisha_myaddiction @sol_myaddiction @abby_myaddiction @lashbossradio @lashaffairbyjp .
#taping #eyepads #classictraining #classiclashes #volumelashes #volumelashextensions #lasheducator #lashaffairbyjparis #myaddictionskincare #learntolash #losangeles #latrainer #lash #esthetician #cosmetologyschool #lashclique #lashtaping