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This is a very difficult lesson to learn, simplified into a meme that made me LOL. Usually when we feel triggered by the insignificant/non-life threatening actions of others (whether they deliberately or accidentally trigger us) we end up surrendering control of our emotions to that situation. We end up feeling victimized, losing our peace and becoming upset — and this is in a way giving our power over to them, instead of deciding how WE will feel in-spite of the other person’s behavior. We are triggered by something they did and we are CHOOSING to let it upset us. . The thing a lot of us learn the hard way (through repeating the same mistake over and over until it’s finally understood) is that we can’t control others or expect them to always understand or respect our feelings. We could try to manage our triggers by attempting to control people...but that’s futile in countless ways because the bottom line is that people will almost always do what they want regardless of how you feel, and many people aren’t capable of changing their behavior. It’s easier to change our own behavior when dealing with certain people than to ask them to change. . For example, when you feel that someone isn’t respecting you and you find yourself feeling triggered, you don’t have to be the victim of that situation or give power over your emotional state and peace to them. You can choose to stay in your power by either accepting their behavior as a part of who they choose to be and allowing them to be who they are while no longer taking it personally, OR you could create and enforce a firm inner boundary that allows you distance from that behavior so it not longer effects you. By altering your own behavior you have just avoided becoming triggered by someone. . Also, to stay in one’s power means to decide that whatever triggers others bring up in us, we will investigate and work through healing those unhealed wounds within, so that we are no longer prone to becoming triggered through them. And we no longer allow others to upset us. . (Continued below)

Hashtags for theme #TEALSWAN

Hashtags for theme #TEALSWAN

“In order to cope with not feeling loved, we adopt a belief that makes everything less powerless and painful. The belief we adopt is “love doesn’t really exist.” #tealswan #catalyst #love #truth #tealswanquotes #quotes #mind

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Hashtags for theme #TEALSWAN

This weeks ASK TEAL YouTube video: "DEPRESSION (The Truth about Depression that No One Sees or Understands)" Depression can be an unrelenting force in your life. Understanding Depression begins with seeking and accepting the ways that you feel futility within your life. Many people know they feel futile but still subconsciously resist this futility. The key to understanding, overcoming, and eventually healing depression may lie in accepting the aspects and resolving the aspects of your life that you feel Futile about. Teal explains depression in detail in this episode. Watch the full Youtube video at Or #tealswan #spiritual #askteal #catalyst #workshop #youtube #youtuber #Speaker #trauma #shadow #catalyst #coping #qotd #vegan #revolution #sexuality #enlightenment #depression

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Today’s funny #tealswan #funny #funnyquotes #haha #empath #spirituality #extremesports

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Love this #tealswan #catalyst #yes #awakening #awareness #oneness #spiritual

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I’m a magnet for abundance, opportunities and prosperity. #affirm ✨ Follow @join_the_evolution now for more!

Hashtags for theme #TEALSWAN

Watch the Ask Teal YouTube video on how to find your excellence here:

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