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Squash, the healthiest sport on earth! #squashlife #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #squashsportarena #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors #kids
Never say never! You may doubt that you can reach the next goal, but that’s just your mind playing tricks on you. Go for it!#squash #squashlife #sports #sport #tennis #squashcoach #squashcoaching #squashtraining #cheekymonkeysquash #teamcheekymonkeysquash #indoorsports #allweathersport #kidssport #juniorsports #rackets #squashrackets #sportsforkids #squashing #squashlife #squashsportarena #fitness #kids #funsport #parents #mom #dad #healthandfitnes #healthandfitnessforkids #sportscoach #sportscoaching
Talent is not enough, when determination and work ethic is missed out. #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #squashsportarena #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors #kids #coach
Our mission. #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #squashsportarena #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors #kids #coach
The squash court on board the Titanic was the first of its kind. Frederick Wright had been due to teach a squash lesson the morning the ship went down. ⚓ #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #squashsportarena #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors #kids #coach
Our next 10-week-long Junior Squash coaching clinic starts on May 12th Sunday, 2pm-3pm at MAASH. Don't forget to sign-up your child today! Visit our website at www.cheekymonkeysquash.com #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #squashsportarena #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors #kids #coach #rackets #sportsclinic
Cheeky Monkey Squash's next 10-week junior squash coaching clinic will be on May 12 Sunday at 2pm to 3pm at MAASH. For enquiries text Damien at 0449981128 or visit our website at www.cheekymonkeysquash.com #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors #kids #coach #sportsclinic #rackets #fun
And when he was told, he just went for a quick swim after the game of squash, and rushed upstairs to see his newborn son and just said to the Queen, ‘he looks like a plum pudding,’' #squashlife #juniorsport #fitness #tennis #squashsport #squashsportarena #racketsports #cheekymonkeysquash #squashcoaching #squashcoach #squash #squashgames #cheekymonkeysquashteam #teamcheekymonkeysquash #sports #sport #indoorsports #allweathersport #parents #kidssports #squashing #squashtraining #squashrackets #juniors