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@kristian_kostov_official @casualkrisk @maria.erke @daniel_kostov_social #teamkris #krisart #krisarts #kostovkristian #kristenstewart #kristiankostovofficial #krisart #kristiankostov
#kostov19 #kristiankostovtheone #kristiankostovfans @lishaminzileo
#teamkrisgreece #teamkrispoland #teamkrisbulgaria #teamkrisforever #teamkrisrussia #lishaminzileo #kostov19 #kostovchina @frlvaaa #love #bulgarian @edmonmario @arman.khaidarov @mishasblog #singer2019 #beautifulmess #kriskostov
Отмечайте Криса!!!
Ну да, #TeamKris такие ввхвххв
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Instagram of @wiwibloggs
When Kristian Kostov walks into the shopping mall, his army follows #TeamKris is devoted #kristiankostov #moscow #moscoweurovisionparty #eurovision
@kristian_kostov_official @kristian_kostov_official
@maria.erke @edmonmario @didenok @mishasblog @irabog #TeamKris #kriskostov #kristiankostov #kristiankostovtheone #KrisArts #KrisArt #kristiankostovfans #kristiankostovedit #kriskostovinpoland #kristiankostov #teamkrisgreece #teamkrisforever #teamkrisrussia #teamlinaofficial #KrisPhoto #PhotoKris
#BurningBridges #BeautifulMess #kriscover #Glubina #glubinaishere
Мотивирующее видео.
The truth is that there is no better moment to feel happy. If not now, then when?
It seems life is about to begin, real life! But there is always one problem on the way, one unfinished business, one outstanding debt that need to be resolved; and then life will begin. And if we take a closer look, we will see that these problems are endless. Of them, in fact, consists of life.
This helps us to see that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. We should appreciate every moment, especially when we share it with someone dear, and remember that time does not wait for anyone, nothing, and never.
Do not wait for school to finish or college starts, when you lose five kilograms, when you have children, when children go to school, get married, divorce, a new year, spring, autumn or winter, next Friday, Saturday or Sunday, or the moment you die to be happy. Happiness is the path, not the fate.
Work as if you do not need money, love as if you were never deceived, dance as if no one see you.
@kristian_kostov_official @casualkrisk @maria.erke @daniel_kostov_social #teamkris #krisart #krisarts #kostovkristian #kristenstewart #kristiankostovofficial #bulgaria #krisart #колаж
@_h_o_r_r_o_r__s_t_o_r_y_ @frlvaaa #love #teamkrisrussia #bulgarian @mishasblog @edmonmario #kostovkris #kostov #teamkris portugal #teamkris china @arman.khaidarov #чернобелаялюбовь #стихизабытогопоэта #лирикадуши @mishasblog #singer2019 #Singer #motivation #стихилюбви #м1 #музыкапервого #любовныепослания #крисувидит #instagram #мыслилюбви #Евровидение2019 #blackstar #болгария
Отмечайте Криса!!!