tenormadness jazz saxophone sonnyrollins jazzmusic music saxlife johncoltrane tenorsax creativepreneur entrepreneur tribute tributetuesdays vancouver albumcover sweden tenorsaxophone blues woods animation graphicdesign happyness jazzvinyl motiongraphics sverige swing навернувшиеся
Saxophonists - some of you have asked me about the funny bulbous screw I use to fasten my neck to the horn. This little piece of magic is made by Meridian Winds, and is designed to open up your sound and add new depths to your tone. Yes, seriously - it’s legit. How it works is a mystery to me, but the difference it makes is undeniable. Probably the best $40 investment I ever made, and I’ve been using it for years. This is an unpaid endorsement - just sharing the info because I believe all saxophonists should give it a try!
Also this band I’m playing with here (Bruce Lofgren Orch. aka “Leviathan”) is playing at The Lighthouse Cafe on April 7, 11am-3pm#bigbandbrunch #letsgetit #saxophonist
Solos de contrabaix:
Són aquells moments d’un concert en què el públic aprofita per parlar amb el del costat, observar la gent de la sala, repassar el mòbil, mirar el sostre de la sala, anar a la barra a demanar i/o anar al labavo a fer pipi o caca.
Tenor Madness - Sonny Rollins
#doublebass #jazz #tenormadness #contrabaix #contrabajo #music #bass