texaschildrenshospital houstontx mdanderson bravelikecharlie houston charliepickle houstonrealestate houstonrealtor infusionday jiarockstar jiastrong jiasucks kidsgetarthritistoo sugarlandtx texas buyersagent cincoranch cypresstx firsttimehomebuyer homesforsale houstonastros houstonzoo humbletx katyrealtor katytx memorialhermann newhomes richmondtx springtx browngirlmagic совместныероды
Before this week is over I would love to give a shout out to one of the best nurses at @texaschildrens during this #nursesweek thank you mom for being such a wonderful caring nurse. ⚕️❤️#myherowearsastethoscope #supernurse #nurse #myhero #texaschildrenshospital #angelinscrubs #nursescalltheshots #oes #oldenglishsheepdogway #oldenglishsheepdog #bestdogmom #superheroinscrubs #sheepdog #bobtail #dogsofinstagram #fluffydogs #dogsofhouston #bestmomever #dogmomlove
Oliver’s Monday feels. Same.
#OliversHeart #HeartWarrior #HalfAHeart #HLHS #HypoplasticLeftHeartSyndrome #HLHSAwareness #SingleVentricle #ZipperClub #CongenitalHeartDefect #CongenitalHeartDisease #CHD #CHDAwareness #CHDAware #1in110 #GTube #Tubie #TubeFed #WPW #WolffParkinsonWhiteSyndrome #ParalyzedDiaphragm #ParalyzedVocalCord #ConqueringCHD #DefeatCHD
#TCH #TexasChildrensHospital
Thankful to play a small part in this big event! 250 cookies later and my first corporate order is complete! I hope @texaschildrens enjoys their cookies!
#customcookies #logocookies #texaschildrenshospital #cookiedecorating #instacookies #fancyyancycookieco #houstoncookies #cookiedecorating #cookiedecorator #cookieart #royalicing #customcookies #houstoncookiebaker #customcookieshouston
Back in Houston today for Lennon’s post op appointment and to take out her stitches and she was such a big girl and the doctors say she’s looking great !! Hopefully weaning off medications soon! Her X-ray was so clear, also hoping to loose the NG tube soon seeing as baby girl has taken all her bottles ! She loves being silly and talking with her daddy! @bac_18 ❤️❤️ #lennonslovingheart #openheartsurgery #chdwarrior #texaschildrenshospital #downsyndrome
“Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision” •
Over 83 millions dollars were raised to go towards helping @texaschildrens !!
Thank you @zackc_baldwin for getting yourself together in 24 hours to accompany me and take prom pictures.
Thank you @laurynsanford for the invite and a wonderful night!
#TexasChildrensHospital #Congrats #Motown #StevieWonder #Gala #Theme #HoustonParties #DressedUp #BowTie #RedDress #RedLips #PromPics #Aggies #A&M #Friends #Since2015
I’ve worked with children in the hospital setting for almost 12 years and all I can say is that “I ❤️ working with children”....they truly are the bravest people I know! Today little Jack (a new 3) sat perfectly still for an IV and did not shed one tear! He also has kept his PH probe and monitor in for over 12 hours (& counting) ...he’s been such a champ, and I could not be more proud!! I know all children may not be brave in the same way, but they definitely ALL are brave in their own way! They truly are little superheroes. I feel so blessed; not only to be the mom of one of these brave souls but to also get to work with them daily!!
#longpost #sorrynotsorry #texaschildrenshospital #employee #pediatricanesthesia #lovemyjob #jackoliver #tinysuperheroes #pediatrics #beinspired #proudmom #three #threeyearsold #kids #workingwithkids #thebest