theartofmind love yoga meditation peacefinder selflove brunswick fresh happyday healing healthychoices loveyourself meditationteacher peace positivevibes recovery refresh selfawareness selfcare selfhealing selflovejourney thejoyofbeingme yoginiway melbourne unbound liferules yourlifematters bepositive sass
There is nothing harder and nothing more interesting than tracking one’s own fears and meeting them head on for the first time, and then in overcoming them. There is nothing more interesting than honing a mastery of controlling one’s own mind, with all its reactions and desires. There is no greater challenge than to sense, within the darkness of our inner world, the light , disguised “scent” of inner weakness, fear, pride, or closed-heartedness in every moment of day-to-day life – in every choice made, in every word uttered. No greater challenge than to discover these dark sides and to allow in light, to disperse the darkness, restoring a part of one’s strong and true Self. To truly overcome oneself – not on the outside (which was but training for this often difficult, arduous struggle), but on the inside. To build a wholesome self out of the shattered bricks of childhood insults, past disappointments, doubts, fears, psychological defenses against the unknown, mental worry about the future, and the hopes of the present. To build one’s Self, the building of one’s Life: unsurpassed, invaluable, and unique in its complexity. #thegameofinnermastery #theartofmind
Ciò che è indefinito lascia il campo libero all'immaginazione, lo diceva anche Leopardi. E io confermo. Eccome, se confermo. È un verde che ha il sapore della morbidezza, che se mi buttassi mi divertirei un sacco. Non diciamo cazzate, sarebbe un miracolo non finire in ospedale. Non vi sembra un po'... vuoto? Come dire (...) , come se necessitasse di qualcos'altro? che lo renda più... PIÙ. No, ah?! Già, che ne sapete voi, signori... penserete che io sia pazza. Ma è ovvio che lo sono. Pretendo troppo, da voi. È ovvio che questo verde e questo marroncino a voi non possono far tornare niente alla mente.
Laggiù è ancora più fitto di come lo ricordassi. Come lo ricordavo? Meglio non pensarci, o stavolta davvero mi butto giù, come ho già fatto. Un momento, l'avevo dimenticato! Come ho fatto a non avere paura?
#streamofconsciousness #flusso #pensieriininterrotti #theartofmind
Cycle of listening. ✨
Moved by the power and healing in listening this week. One of the reasons I love meditation and chanting is because I feel that God loves, hears and listens to my voice ✨♀️✨♀️everyday. The more I practice the more I love my voice too - it’s an awakening of continuous creativity for me - the more practice the more I stand by my investment choices, my writing choices even my fashion choices - Life becomes my greatest creation. .
Listening is a big part of why I love teaching too. In a world where there is every outer distraction to people listening - let alone the internal distraction that can carve peoples attention to pieces even as they talk directly with you - being listened to and facilitating people listening to themselves is so precious. .
There is alway a moment in class when I open my eyes... or is it my hear the full and deep breathing of each person having arrived within themselves. .
The body relaxes... the face softens .
and there is chorus of awakened breathing. It’s so elevating it could lift me right off the ground. Inside I’m thinking yes! We got it !
listening - present to the silence- what a gift .
What way could you listen to yourself today? #happywednesday
#unbound #yoga #meditation #theartofmind #peacefinder #now #love #yoginiway #peace #selfcare #selfawareness #joy #selfhealing #thejoyofbeingme #fresh #refresh #happyday #positivevibes #healthychoices #healing #recovery #love #loveyourself #selflove #selflovejourney #brunswick #meditationteacher