thenewyou lovethyself bestdaysahead bettertogether changeyourlife coaching commitment crossfit cryptolifestyle determined goaldriven goals happinessisachoice inspiration learnfromyourmistakes lifestyle millionairemindset monsoon motivationalmeme negativity positivity reinventyourself somethingnew stayfocused stayhumble staypositive successdriven successful successmeme takethatstep unblindedfaith
The most important discovery of my life.
#lostyoufoundmyself #foundmyself
#divorce #divorced #divorcee #divorcée #divorcées #divorcees #movingon #startingover #selfdiscovery #selfawareness #selfesteem #selfconfidence #leavingmyoldlifebehind #divorcedlife #lifeafterdivorce #divorcerecovery #divorceandhealing #newlife #startinganewlife #healthydivorce #divorcedandhappy #foundmyseld #findyourself #divorcedlifestyle #thenewyou #thenewme
der Plannernerd in mir hat wieder zugeschlagen und darum gibt's grad auf dem Blog meine frisch aktualisierte Kalenderliste für 2019. Link im Profil ☝️ Spoiler: Das es ausgerechnet 19 Kalender dieses Jahr auf die Liste geschafft haben, ist wirklich Zufall, aber ich lass das jetzt so und nehm es als gutes „Ohmen“. Früher war ich übrigens ein absolutes pen'n'paper girl,✏ mittlerweile zumindest in Sachen Kalender nur noch digital.
Welchen Kalender benutzt du in 2019 und welcher Kalender muss nächstes Jahr unbedingt mit auf meine Liste?
Werbung, unbeauftragt + unbezahlt
#kalender2019 #organisation #planung #zeitmanagement #kalender #terminkalender #terminplaner #notizbuch #thenewyou #filofax #moleskine #bulletjournals #leuchtturm1917 #klarheit #achtsamkeit #selbstliebe #guterplan #buch #motivation #lifestyle #träume #glücklich
#ziele #zielerreichen #dranbleiben #erfolg #zweitausendneinzehn
Itinerary sudah dibuat. Sekarang saatnya nyicil packing. Biar mendekati hari H tidak ada barang yang ketinggalan. Preparation is the key, don't you agree?
What's inside my luggage? Let's see..
Memanfaatkan fasilitas kolam renang hotel sekaligus bikin badan tetap fit selama liburan. Checked!
Hat and sunglasses
Berhubung liburan saat musim panas, dekat pantai pula, dua pelindung ini tak boleh lupa. Sekaligus jadi properti buat foto ya kan?
Insta or it didn't happen, right? Kenangan pas liburan bisa dijepret dan disimpan di feed IG supaya semangat piknik terus terjaga #halah
Make up kit
Cukup bawa yang esensial supaya muka terus camera ready. Sunscreen juga, ya, gurl
Favorite novel
Sambil berjemur, bisa sekaligus menamatkan kisah novel yang selama ini terlupakan
Liburan jadi momen yang tepat untuk terinspirasi. Catat semua dalam jurnal karena inspirasi itu sangat berharga
Giv Body Wash
Jangan jadi turis gembel atuhlah. Gunakan sabun cair Giv yang dirancang dengan parfum harum supaya tetap wangi saat plesiran. Kandungan Shea butter dalam sabun Giv cepat meresap ke kulit, loh. Selain wangi banget, sabun Giv bikin kulit terus lembap
Barang wajib bawaan kamu selama liburan apa saja, sih? Share juga dong, @devila7, @ratnaiskana20, dan @glaceldo, lalu tag & mention @givbodywash, ya.. Enjoy your holiday, girlsss
#thenewholiday #givbodywash #TheNewYou #GivTheNewHoliday #whatsonmybag # #summer2019 #summerfeeling #captureyourstyle #flatlay #bloggerlife #instatravel #travelgram #ilovetravel #
Holiday is just around the corner!
Siapa yang sudah merencanakan liburan dan tidak sabar untuk berpetualang ke tempat baru? Well, sebagai orang yang suka dengan persiapan matang, saya sudah mulai packing nih walau liburan masih dalam hitungan minggu.
Musim panas nih, gengs. Jangan lupa bawa topi dan baju renang kesayangan. Kamera juga, dong, pastinya, ya. Momen menyenangkan wajib diabadikan dalam lembaran foto. Atau dalam bentuk file juga bisa.
Di liburan kali ini ada yang baru: (slide to see closer looks of Giv Body Wash). Terik matahari bikin keringat dan kulit jadi kering. Kandungan sea butter dan vitamin E menambah kelembapan kulit selama liburan.
Yuk share, daftar bawaan wajib kamu saat liburan. Jangan lupa tag dan mention @givbodywash. Happy holiday!
@elgapotter .
#GivTheNewHoliday #TheNewYou #GivBodyWash #holiday #packinglist #summer #packing #liburan
I, specially, dedicate this to @papikepulauanseribu @gautama_official and @indrabekti .. thank you for giving me a chance
thank you @givbodywash for making my days always exciting
thanks to all my friends who have helped me in making this video
Videographer and editor @vickymahreza @glhultcrw
Remember, that as a badass human being, you are born with the ability to change. You CAN make choices that are deeply nourishing instead of numbing, you CAN get physcially stronger, you CAN study, practice nearly anything in your own way & create your own version of it & you CAN become more simple, refined, skilled, and you CAN detox all the BS out of your life and self – all parts of you, not just the body, but the mind – and it isn’t about becoming less of you, but MORE of YOU – you have the ability to remove the veils, to get closer to your truths and to feel, heal and reveal the newness that is you, and you CAN be empowered by all of it.
I rocked out & was creatively enchanted & inspired by the sounds of @mcyogi while writing this. #ritualmystical #thankyou #mcyogi #evolve #thenewyou
The She Book is here:
I have always dreamt of a sexy back to flaunt in blackless outfit though I loved myself then and I love myself now.
I was definitely a happy person but I always wanted to trigger myself and know my worth I knew I could be better.
I have only been consistent and patient that has what worked on me.
When I started I never knew where its going what is happening I only knew that my ability and worth is more then i could imagine.
Let this self love drive keep chasing you ❤️ P.s: Since long haven’t posted a transformation Tuesday picture so this is it. #transformationtuesday #dailymotivation #fatloss #consistency #patience #musclegain #weightlossjourney #fitnessmotivation #fitnessenthusiast #fitnessinfluencer #changinglives #lifestyle #igdaily #wellness #fitnesscoach #nutritionist #ripped #preptime #stayfit #stayconsistent #healthylifestyle #fitspo #flex #tricep #backworkout #bettereveryday #bebestversionofyou #hustlebaby #revampingunnati #thenewyou
You wake up one morning and realize you have been taking care of business, your team, your career, your loved ones... but not enough of your own self. I had been so busy with work that I did not create time to meditate, or go to the gym or to the spa... nor did I have time to read enough in the past year. .
I feel blessed and can't complain for all the love, success and recognition I've had. But I did not even fully realize how amazing the past year had been to me and to our organization as I was so busy; too busy to enjoy each blessing, each accomplishment.
In 2019, I want to make sure I take better care of myself. I'm gonna take my time, enjoy each breath I take and each step I make. The world will have to wait, after all I'm not a heart surgeon, so nobody will die ;) .
You see, in order to have enough love to give out to others, your own cup should be full. Like they say: Secure your own mask before assisting others. Put yourself first in 2019 so you can have enough to give to others around you! Is it selfish? No. It's just common sens. Because you can't pour from an empty cup!
A toast to a whole new YOU in 2019!!! .
#selflove #happiness #joy #enjoylife #meditate #pamperyourself #loveyourself #thenewyou #love #youmatter