theperfectflighttour discgolf latitude64 frisbeegolf westsidediscs teamnbdg discgolfshoutouts theperfectflight discgolflife londondiscgolf discgolflondon ldgc londondgc londondiscgolfcommunity teamtrilogy discgolfpins dynamicdiscs londoncalling naturalborndiscgolfers cdgc growdiscgolf growthesport discgolfislife discgolfnation london teamldgc valbyparken copenhagen croydondiscgolf discgolfeveryday dzdiscs
Credit: @croydondiscgolf & Richard Barney Wood.
Beautiful disc golf drone photo at @theperfectflightdg @latitude_64 London Calling II event last weekend.
#DiscGolf #GrowTheSport #GrowDiscGolf #Drone #Latitude64 #ThePerfectFlightTour #CDGC #LondonCalling #pose #dronephotography #dronestagram #discgolfer #bedynamic #DiscGolfEveryday #discgolfislife #discgolflife #DiscGolfNation #discgolflove #discgolfphotos #letsgo #LDGC #LondonDiscGolf #DiscGolfLondon #LondonDGC #LondonDiscGolfCommunity
I was very proud to play at The Valbyparken Tunnel Run last weekend, the first leg of the 5 part @theperfectflightdg Tour. I even finished in the money in the challenging MA1 division from the long (long!) tees. Thanks to @naturalborndiscgolfer for the support and @latitude_64 @discgolfpins @udiscapp for supporting the tour! #theperfectflighttour #teamnbdg #teamnaturalborndiscgolfer #teamnaturalborndiscgolfers #getmore #discgolf #discgolfpins #latitude64
This lot here represented the #teamnbdg at Valbyparken Tunnel Run this weekend, some by TDing or tour managing, some by ending up on the podium and others simply by enjoying the course, the company and the atmosphere #mostfunwins #discgolf #seasonopening #naturalborndiscgolfers #teamtrilogy #valbyparken #theperfectflighttour
Fun (and wet) day on the course today, playing doubles with @frunsj. We started slow, but started to hit putts and making some nice drives. Now I will step up my training and practicing, get back on track and beat @tpfdean during Dutch Open #discgolf #frisbeegolf #frisbeegolfnorge #diskgolf #gothrow #aceshop #naturalborndiscgolfer #teamnbdg #discgolflife #discgolfstrong #ThePerfectFlightTour #discgolflife #stovnerfrisbee