thinkblue dodgers baseball dodgerstadium lableedsblue chavezravine ladodgers losangeles losdoyers sports welovela itfdb bleedblue blueheavenonearth hollywood losangelesbleedsblue losangelesdodgers nlwestchamps dodgerbaseball dodgerfans letsgododgers boysinblue codybellinger dodgerblue dodgersbaseball dodgerswin doyers goblue gododgers codybellinger
The Sargasso Sea Hope Spot is the world's only sea that does not have a coastline, it's only borders are created by accumulated “floating reefs” of brown Sargassum seaweed, which Dr. Sylvia Earle refers to as “the golden rainforest of the sea”! ⠀
#MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #SylviaEarle #OceanStories #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded
The idea is that anyone can nominate a site special to them—a site that gives HOPE. Collectively all of these Hope Spots will create a global wave of community support for ocean conservation that leaders and policy makers can’t ignore. Nominate your Hope Spot today through the link in our bio! ⠀
#MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #OceanStories #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded #SylviaEarle #BlueMind
“I suggest to everyone: Look in the mirror. Ask yourself: Who are you? What are your talents? Use them, and do what you love.” #SylviaEarle ⠀
Photo by Bryce Groark #MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #OceanStories #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded
Some species of anemones have a symbiotic relationship with algae, called zooxanthellae, just like corals do! These species of anemone are also threatened by increased ocean water temperatures, since they can experience bleaching, the loss of the symbiotic the algae when there is too much stress in the environment. ⠀
Photo by Claire Fackler, NOAA. #MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #SylviaEarle #OceanStories #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded #climateChange #GlobalWarming #WarmingOcean #ChangingOcean
The Eastern Pacific Seascape and Malpelo Hope Spots span multi-national critical shark habitats that includes the Galápagos, Cocos Island, and Malpelo Island. These areas are home to more than 80 recorded shark species, including hammerheads, Galápagos sharks, whale sharks, and silky sharks. In 2016, the presidents of Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Colombia joined together to protect 83,600 square miles that covers some underwater 'highways' used by migratory species, like hammerhead sharks. ⠀
Video by @KipEvansPhoto⠀
#MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #SylviaEarle #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded #RespectNotFear #Shark #Sharks #SharkWeek #ApexPredator #SaveSharks #WorthMoreAlive #StopFinning #LoveSharks #Wildlife
"One dive that comes to mind is when I was at a place called Marion Reef in the Coral Sea [Hope Spot], diving in 70 feet of water, and these grey reef sharks circled us. I could not count them, there were so many – at least 100. They were forming a great wheel around us but were quietly curious, not aggressive." #SylviaEarle ⠀
Photo by Kelvin Gorospe, NOAA #MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded #RespectNotFear #Shark #Sharks #SharkWeek #ApexPredator #SaveSharks #WorthMoreAlive #StopFinning #LoveSharks #Wildlife
We interrupt your #SharkWeek content with an important announcement!⠀
We need your help today to protect the Hector's and Māui dolphins! Join us and the New Zealand Coastal Waters Hope Spot Champions in making a public comment on behalf of these amazing animals, deadline is August 4!!⠀
Click the link in our bio to to comment.⠀
Photo by Hope Spot Champions:⠀
@nabu @nzwhaledolphin @UniversityOfOtago @barbaramaasgoeswild⠀
#Endangered #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #Dolphin #NewZealand #ExtinctionIsForever #MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #SylviaEarle #OceanStories #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded
The Blue Shark Central Hope Spot is an open-ocean hotspot in the North Atlantic where this species aggregates. Blue sharks are IUCN Red listed as Near Threatened with an unknown population status, underscoring the need to protect this area and the sharks that inhabit it. ⠀
#MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #SylviaEarle #OceanConservation #MarineConservation #OceanOptimism #ThinkBlue #Ocean #Sea #Shore #Blue #Beach #Conservation #OceanMinded #RespectNotFear #Shark #Sharks #SharkWeek #ApexPredator #SaveSharks #WorthMoreAlive #StopFinning #LoveSharks #Wildlife