thisafrica africa africanbeauty africanx blackandwhitephoto blackbeauty blackdontcrack blackitude blackmagic blackness blackpeople blackpower blacks blackskin djidiu filhosdeafrica negritude pelenegra pretitude pretologia representatividade sonofafrica tezescura blackman africaicejack africarandomfive africarula bohemcigar cigar option8
Yes I know this seems unlikely, unbelievable damn near impossible but THIS IS AFRICA!!! The best way to rob an area clean of its resources is to make you believe they don’t have anything. These places will NEVER make it on their news platforms. Notice everytime Africa comes the representation is extreme misery and poverty? ✊
#thisisafrica #thisafrica #theafricatheydontshowyou #theafricatheydontshow #theafricatheynevershowyou #beautifulafrica #modernafrica #modernafrican #africancity #africancities #africancountries #africanneighbourhood #zimbabwe #comehome #africandiaspora #yearofthereturn #yearofthereturn2019 #returntoafrica
Postcards from Africa
— This beautiful view is from one of the bungalow at the safari beach resort in N’Sele in Kinshasa. The resort literally sits on the Congo River which makes for pretty impressive views first thing in the morning. Nature is the greatest source of inspiration and I love the fact that there is so much of it in this country
I’m back with another #africandrinks and this one is from Cameroon
Shout out to all the local African shopkeepers in the diaspora who enable us to enjoy goodies from back home with such ease:
Château Rouge
and wherever else in the diaspora... we salute you
Question: what’s a local spot in your city/country where you can get African products? Let me know in the comments I might need the hook up if I come visit your town!