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TOP Paris par @zedd.dc • #topparisphoto Allez sur la galerie à la une pour partager les likes !! Look at the featured gallery to share the L❤️VE #thisisparis #communityfirst #topfrancephoto #topeuropephoto #hello_france #super_france #igersfrance #visitfrance #merveillesdefrance #parisjetaime #parismonamour #parigi #parismonamour #parisjetaime #igersparis
TOP Eiffel Tower par @patrickcolpron • #topeiffeltowerphoto Allez sur la galerie à la une pour partager les likes !! Look at the featured gallery to share the L❤️VE #thisisparis #communityfirst #paris #france #topparisphoto #topfrancephoto #topeuropephoto #topeuropephoto #hello_france #super_france #igersfrance #visitfrance #merveillesdefrance #parisjetaime #parismonamour #parigi #igersparis
Paris @topparisphoto TOP France par @sebastien.nagy #topfrancephoto Allez sur la galerie à la une pour partager les likes !! Look at the featured gallery to share the L❤️VE #communityfirst #thisisparis always something new to discover, taste and experience #paris #topparisphoto #topfrancephoto #topeuropephoto #hello_france #super_france #igersfrance #visitfrance #merveillesdefrance #parisjetaime #parismonamour #parigi #igersparis
TOP Paris par @thewoolplaid • #topparisphoto Allez sur la galerie à la une pour partager les likes !! Look at the featured gallery to share the L❤️VE #thisisparis #communityfirst #topfrancephoto #topeuropephoto #hello_france #super_france #igersfrance #visitfrance #merveillesdefrance #parisjetaime #parismonamour #parigi #parismonamour #parisjetaime #igersparis
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Stop taking photos, start making them, think before you press the shutter. The easiest way to improve your photography, change your perspective, make photos from a lower angle. This will completely change your composition, it can make your subject stand out against the background. It is not a complicated trick, crouch, lay on the ground - hold your camera down. It makes for a totally different and better photo, specially when photographing people. Change your perspective, find your angle - them press the shutter to make your photo. Made this evening just as the sun was setting, beautiful clouds, steps away from my place. Swipe left to see the video - oh wait, huh - is it swipe left or right?... Anyhoo made with a Leica M10-P and Summilux 35 at f/4 focus on the girls standing in the foreground, iso 800 and 1/90s #thisisparis always something new to discover, taste and experience #paris #topparisphoto #topfrancephoto #topeuropephoto #hello_france #super_france #igersfrance #visitfrance #merveillesdefrance #parisjetaime #parismonamour #parigi #igersparis #leicaphotography #leicacamera #leica #leicam10p #summilux35 #leicastoreparis #leicacamerafrance