thismoment gratidao life love behappy gratitude happiness summer funny namaste positivevibes acredite aproveiteaoportunidade buenosdias coragempramudar energizando goodfeeling goodmorning goodvibe gutenmorgan mefazbem pensamentopositivo positivevibe positividadesempre96 positivy sejaamor sejagrato sejagratosempre sejavoc sejavocemesmo trackmaker
7月2日 火曜日
さくらじまと コスモス
さくらじまの 雲の空
きれいな 雲海にひろがる
忘れない この朝
カラダと ココロを
7.2 23:07
To some it's just water flowing over rocks , but to me it's where i regain my sanity , it's about being in a moment.
Years from now when someone asks me what was one of your favorite moments with exton ! This is the one I’ll pick !
Our last night of vacation we went to pigeon forge to walk around ! We were about to leave and I decided to let exton see the water and for me to get a sweet picture !
This is what happen! This kid never ceases to amaze and surprise us ! He had everyone clapping and cheering for him ! Something I wonder would ever happen when he was first born ! He even decided to walk like it was no big deal !
If you would have told me 2 years ago that the same child that was laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life would be the same child in this magical video ! I don’t think I would have believed it ! We still have a long medical journey ahead of us but this makes it all worth it ! I wish I could send this video right here to the doctor in Georgia who told me exton would have no value of life !
Alex and I were both crying watching this moment ! We actually kept crying the rest of the night as we kept talking about this moment ! This right here is proof that God is the great I AM , and as long as we have our faith nothing can stop this family !
My little miracle !
#extraexton #downsyndrome #mymiracle #medicallycomplex #t21 #littlefighter #chdwarrior #downsyndromelove #downrightperfect #theluckyfew #worthy #homiewithextrachromie #trachkid #ventkid #tubie #specialneeds #myhero #yeshecan #abilitynotdisability #miracleshappen #thismoment #uglycry
Where do we go from here? On the floor, out of touch, unable to recognize the person we’ve allowed ourselves become.
Where do we go from here? Hiding and riddled with pain and fatigue. Where do we go from here? Filled with voices telling us we aren’t good enough or worthy of love. Where do we go from here? Living for others, lost in the shuffle? Where do we go from here? Our voices lost in the shadows.
Rise, soul.
Your voice is in the shadows. The one you recognize is buried within you. Your truth is in the depths of your eyes. The connection is swirling in your heart, looking for the way out. Let her show you. Ask her to guide you. Hear her reminder that you are safe to be seen. Watch her flow out of you with ease and grace, like the smoke off the end of incense. She moves and explores and is in a state of discovery. Follow her truth. Feel into where she moves.
It’s where you go from here.
| Pořád si nejsem jistá, jestli to za všechen ten stres, pot a vrásky stojí nicméně další velká kapitola života slavnostně uzavřena a upřímně se nemůžu dočkat, co přijde dál ✨. Chtěla bych tímto upřímně pogratulovat všem, kdo má za sebou dokončenou ať už základní, střední nebo vysokou školu, protože v tomhle systému je to občas sakra náročný (ačkoliv vím, že na mnoha místech světa je to horší nebo zde ani vzdělání k dispozici není), ale já věřím, že my jsme ta generace, co přináší změnu . A jestli je tu někdo, kdo to pomyslný ukončení nezvládl, tak bych vám jenom chtěla říct, že jsou v životě mnohem důležitější věci. Třeba to, abyste byli zdraví a šťastní ♥️ #láska
Another important part of my life is officially over. Bye
#bachelorsdegree #graduation #university #skodaautovysokaskola #supergrateful #blessingseverywhere #blessingstoall #forbettermecz #beconfident #thismoment #hereandnow #selfawareness #selfacceptance #betruetowhoyouare #soexcitedwhatsabouttocome #whenifnotnow #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudou #forbetterme #zalepsija #rememberwhoyouare #choosetobehappy #czechblogger #letsrockthisworld #newopportunities #milujudekuju