thompson ohio warriors collinsexton hrvatska klaythompson basketball cavs hercegbosna hercegovina hrvat hrvatica klay camelot cleveland curry goldenstate goldenstatewarriors lebron love redlion allforone croatia defendtheland dellavedova domovina gocavs green jordanclarkson 762x54r
"It would not be smart to count the Dubs out" - @klaythompson
#klaythompson #klay #Thompson #2kklay #2kmode #37inaquarter #nbachamp #splashbrothers #splashbros #killaklay #strengthinnumbers #wearechampionship #2015nbachampions #klay #bayarea #dubnation #oraclearena #roraclearena #chinaklay #kt #klay @klaythompson
Picture 1: Klay & Laura outside Chateau Marmont (Hollywood)
Picture 2: Klay & Laura at the Golden Globes after party
Picture 3: Klay & Laura NYE 2018/19
#klaythompson #klaythompson11 #klayalexanderthompson #warriors #shootingguard #nba #nbafinals #11 #explorer #iloveklaythompson #thompson #followforfollow #newaccount #basketball #gsw #gswarriors #dubnation #oakland #oracle #splashbrothers #spacejam
#spacejam2 #aclrecovery #klayandlaura #klaysrecovery