top_triathletes swimbikerun triathlon ironmantri triathlete triathlontraining trilife ironmantraining triathlon_in_the_world triathlonlife ironman triatlon tritraining swimming triathletes 3athlonlife tri365 swim cycling ironman703 ironmantriathlon triatleta running bike openwaterswimming swimmer thetrihood cyclingshots cyclist argon18bike
@hustephoto balancing out of the #nxtri2003 swim and into the weekend!
What´s your plan? Paul Amundsen/Samfoto
#cycling #tri365 #swimming #top_triathletes #huubdesign #isklar #3atlet #triatlon #roadcycling #visitnorway #eidfjord #rjukan #suunto #thetrihood #triathlon_in_the_world @skogstadsport #uteglede
Yes!! What a day in Elsinore/Helsingør♀️♀️♀️ I got what I came here for - a slot to the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Nice I came 3rd in my age group and did a personal best on both the bike and the run. (Total time: 4:41:09) And to top it all my brother @jarlewermskog came 2nd in his age group - so now both @lpstormo @jarlewermskog and I will go to Nice in September Thanks for cheering all day @lpstormo ❤️ @lpstormo #ad #reklame #braasport #forvaltningshuset @forvaltningshuset #nike #apollosportsnorge @apollosportsnorge #kmdim703euchamps @kmdironmandenmark @castelli_norge #workhard #havefun #dreambig
A máme tu další měsíční shrmutí! Rád bych v něm poděkoval všem za konstantní podporu. Bez vás by to nebylo ono. Stejně tak jako bez mých věrných partnerů. LT-Projekt, @mizuno_cze, Královéhradecký kraj, Tree of Life, @2xu_czech_slovakia , @compressportczsk, YOGI,, @multisportcz, a @oakley. Bez nich by to bylo složité :-). @jirithoma