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Is proud to present HIGHLIGHT FROM OUR TAG
Photo by @pietr0_m0nteleone
L O C A T I O N : Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma, Italy
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Please have a look at his/her wonderful gallery!
For a chance to be featured FOLLOW @ars.sacra and TAG #ars_sacra
Selected: @gilawitchinlove
No Internet or stolen photo
#be_one_sacro #church_masters #_click_gravestone #grave_affair #graveyard_fanatics #graveyard_freaks #guest_churches #r_a_d #thehub_gothic #total_sacro #tv_churchandgraves #welcometochurches #world_bestangels
⛪ Capilla de San Vicente, Claustro de la Catedral de Oporto, Portugal
Seleccionada por/ Select by: @ramongramx
Tag: #total_sacro #total_churches
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Notre-Dame de Paris, octobre de 2018.
5a .... 0.50 .
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️ Il coro con gli affreschi di Andrea De Litio, Duomo di Atri (TE).⠀
@custers per #abruzzodellemeraviglie⠀
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⛪ Iglesia de San Agustín de Hipona, Tlaxco, Tlaxcala, México
Seleccionada por/ Select by: @ramongramx
Tag: #total_sacro #total_churches
Follow/ Siguenos: @total_sacro
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Galerías amigas recomendadas/ Recomended hubs:
#infinity_churches #thehub_church #loves_united_church #ig_ag #fiftyshades_of_history #total_gothic #kings_gothic #ig_asylum #tv_churchandgraves #world_bestangels #ars_sacra #starlings_sanctuary #infinity_gothic_grave #r_a_d #be_one_sacro #church_masters #fa_sacral #igrejaspelomundo #igrejasemfoco #beniculturali30 #volgoarte #grave_affair #graveyard_freaks #traveling_arte #likes_cathedrals
Ecco a voi il vincitore del Best of the Week di #YallersLazio
Detta “Il piccolo Duomo di Milano” questa chiesa è un raro esempio di neogotico a Roma. Famosissima per la sua facciata interamente in cemento armato, ha un grande fascino anche il sui interno. Voi siete mai entrati?
Best of the Week
Foto di @salvatorecosta
Chiesa del Sacro Cuore del Suffragio, Roma
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#beniculturali30 #tesori_italiani #total_sacro #museitaliani #culturaltrip #culturetrip #artesacra #architexture #igersroma #ig_rome #noidiroma #volgoroma #architecturehunter #culturalheritage30 #italianhistory #ars_sacra #yallersroma #loves_roma #theimaged #romecityworld #storiadellarte #visititalia #perfect_italia #roma #total_churches #romadascoprire #tv_pointofview #ig_italia #rome
Is proud to present HIGHLIGHT FROM OUR TAG
Photo by @salvatorecosta
L O C A T I O N : Church of Sacro cuore del Suffragio, Roma, Italy
Congrats to the artist!
Please have a look at his/her wonderful gallery!
For a chance to be featured FOLLOW @ars.sacra and TAG #ars_sacra
Selected: @gilawitchinlove
No Internet or stolen photo
#be_one_sacro #church_masters #_click_gravestone #grave_affair #graveyard_fanatics #graveyard_freaks #guest_churches #r_a_d #thehub_gothic #total_sacro #tv_churchandgraves #welcometochurches #world_bestangels
Even in the grayest days the hope of the pilgrims is shaken, there is always a light, a star
The city has its origin in the shrine of Saint James the Great, now the city's cathedral, as destination of the Way of St. James, a leading Catholic pilgrimage route originated in the 9th century. In 1985 the city's Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Santiago is the local Galician evolution of Vulgar Latin Sanctus Iacobus "Saint James". According to legend, Compostela derives from the LatinCampus Stellae (i.e., "field of the star");
️ Facciata della Cattedrale della Madonna del Ponte, Lanciano (CH).⠀
@andreagari1978 per #abruzzodellemeraviglie⠀
️ #abruzzo #volgoarte #beniculturali30 #yallersabruzzo #igersabruzzo #culturetrip #paesaggidabruzzo #volgoabruzzo #ig_abruzzo #tesori_italiani #abruzzofantasy #abruzzo_in_foto #abruzzoitaly #yourabruzzo #storiadellarte #architettura #lanciano #ilikeitaly #culturaltrip #total_sacro