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Current progress on the Artstation challenge. been slowly chipping this out . Still a high chance I’ll rework this image later. Do swipe for process .
#legendofkingarthurchallenge #jousting #tourney #lance #environmentdesign #colorandlight #medieval #environmentconceptart #conceptart #banner #illustration #photoshop
We will be doing a solo Fortnite tournament this Saturday @7pm EST
The winner will get a
12 hour story shoutout!
To enter:
- Tag three friends that play Fortnite
-You must be following
-We will dm you and say that we have entered you shortly after you do the things above!
Ignore the hashtags:
#Fortnite #gaming #Epicgames #Xbox #FortniteFriday #Fortniteweeklytournaments #pc #Ps4 #Fortniteleaks #Fortnitenews #Fortnitewins #Videogames #duos #Pcgaming #xboxone #pcgaming #tournament #controller #videogames #ninja #tsm #ps4 #fortniteleaks #fortnitesniping #fortnitebr #ninja #tourney #prize #fortnitecreativecodes
I hope you guys can join!
We will be doing a Duo Fortnite tournament Saturday @7pm EST
The winning team will get
12 hour story shoutout!
To enter:
- Tag three friends that play Fortnite
-You must be following
-We will dm you and say that we have entered you shortly after you do the things above!
Ignore the hashtags:
#Fortnite #gaming #Epicgames #Xbox #FortniteFriday #Fortniteweeklytournaments #pc #Ps4 #Fortniteleaks #Fortnitenews #Fortnitewins #Videogames #duos #Pcgaming #xboxone #pcgaming #tournament #controller #videogames #ninja #tsm #ps4 #fortniteleaks #fortnitesniping #fortnitebr #ninja #tourney #prize #fortnitecreativecodes
I hope you guys can join!