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by @fellandfair
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#instinctivearchery #archeryclub #recurve #archeryseason #archeryrange #traditionalarchery #archerylife #archerytag #longbow #archerypractice #ilovearchery #archers
by @just.pond
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#archerylife #archerytag #recurve #traditionalarchery #archeryclub #archers #instinctivearchery #archerypractice #ilovearchery #longbow #archeryseason #archeryrange
All that practice and preparing you do all summer comes down to those last few seconds when that deer walks out will you be ready?
Credit to : @shaneraines1
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#archerylife #archery #archeryclub #ilovearchery #traditionalarchery #archer #archeryrange #archers #longbow #archerypractice #archerytag
by @yuretz_kononets
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#archeryrange #archerylife #longbow #archers #instinctivearchery #archeryclub #recurve #traditionalarchery #archerytag #archerypractice #archeryseason #ilovearchery
Bismillah.. Yang suka jangan malu bertanya. Nanti menyesal kemudian
D1 black beauty
Max request 70# di 31"
Siyah : Mountin Hard Maple dan Rosewood
Handel : Hard Maple lapis Rosewood
Limb : EFG Hijau bening Bending, dilapisi Polivinil strip
Finishing : Airbrush dengan top coat Polyuretane ekstra gloss anti Scratch
The hunt
It's almost time for me to switch to the "summer season" on my page, but I still have a couple more winter shots I'd like to share! Like this one!
Even in the North, the snows are melting away, and the days are growing warmer. The midnight sun is just around the corner, and I'm really looking forward to those bright summer nights!
#archery #archer #bowandarrow #mongolianhorsebow #traditionalarchery #vikingarcher #vikingwoman #shieldmaiden #norsewoman #oldnorse #vikingage #vikingreenactment #viking #vikings #vikingclothes #vikingclothing #vikinggarb #vikingtid #vikingliv