transgendergirl transgender lgbtq trans transgirl transgenderwoman lgbt transwoman mtftransgender mtftrans transisbeautiful pride lgbtpride transpride girlslikeus transgirlsofinstagram instatrans pansexual queer thisiswhattranslookslike transfeminine bisexual maletofemale transbeauty transfemale transgenderboy labtq
I was considering writing some big rant about a particular hate comment I received earlier but I decided instead I'm going to post a picture of me smiling instead cause I'm sure me being happy is way more of a "fuck you" to the haters than me actually telling them "fuck you."
As a trans woman with significant enough visibility online I am no stranger to harassment. I've been extremely fortunate that I haven't experienced a lot of full on hate, (most of the times they are pretty weak attempts at hurting me) but now and then I will get a comment that stays with me a little longer. Not because of what was actually said but it just stops to make me think about my position in life and how other people see me. I try and see others points of views in all situations but I absolutely cannot even put myself into the shoes of someone who hates. I can't comprehend it. I literally can't understand it. But yknow what, that's fine with me. I don't want to understand how they think. I don't want to see things through their sad pathetic narrow views of the world. They may think they are happy but they aren't. Deep down they aren't. And I pity them for being so blind and ignorant to the world. They will never see the true beauty in life. The beauty of love and compassion.
So this post is for all the haters. I know how bothered you get seeing someone you don't like being happy, so here's a picture of me being fucking happy. And no amount of words can change that.
I am who I am and I'm proud of myself ⚧
#mtf #m2f #maletofemale #transgender #trans #transgirl #transgendergirl #transwoman #transgenderwoman #transisbeautiful #thisiswhattranslookslike #hrt #lgbt #lgbtq #transgenero #transição #beautiful #beproud #beproudofwhoyouare #lgbtcommunity #transwomenarewomen #transition #transpride #loveyourself #loveyourbody #TransRightsAreHumanRights #stunning
¡Notición! Nos hace mucha ilu anunciaros que ¡ya podéis haceros con estas camisetas en mis shows! Los jueves 11, 18 y 25 de julio a las 23:00h podréis conseguirlas en 'Humor de Transmisión Sexual' en @teatrocofidis. Entradas disponibles en el link de mi bio.
Foto: @gemmuay
#comedy #comedia #monologos #monologo #madrid #ociomadrid #instatrans #transgirl #transgirlsrock #transgirlsofinstagram #transgirls #transgirlpower #translivesmatter #translife #chicatrans #chicatransexual #transgender #transgendergirl #tshirt #unicorn #unicornio #pizzaconpiña #madridcity
Happy Memorial Day!!! Thank you to everyone who chooses to fight for and protect out country both past and present!
#trans #transgirl #transgirls #tgirl #transgender #transwoman #transisbeautiful #transbeauty #m2f #mtf #girlslikeus #mtftransgender #transgendergirl #thisiswhattranslookslike #prehrt #ts #transgirlnextdoor
Week 6 Post-Op. Damn, hard to think it's six weeks tomorrow since I had my surgery! When I was walking today I was thinking about how much easier and more comfortable I feel just walking out in the world now. So I guess this week's #gratitudesunday is for my surgery.
Now first off, I want to say that I know how fortunate I am to have been able to have this surgery and I do not take that lightly. There's so many people other who can't get this surgery or it will be much harder for them to get it and this is part of the reason I am so grateful for being able to get this procedure done.
Another part I am grateful for is being able to walk outside my apartment without putting on multiple layers and tucking. Going outside with just a regular pair of underwear and pants/shorts/whatever feels so freeing. It really was a bond of sorts to me and I'm so thankful I am free of it.
It’s a new life for me, and i am feeling good. #solange #transgender #transgirl #transgenderwoman #transgenderrights #transgenderawareness #wanttobeamodel #transisbeautiful #girlslikeus #trans #transgendergirl #transgenderteen #transgenderpride #mtf #mtftransgender #lgbt #lgbtq #transgendermodel #transgenderdayofvisibility #transgenderdayofremembrance #transgenderequality #transgenderrightsarehumanrights #transgenderandproud #thisiswhattranslookslike #transmodel #transvisibility #freckles #pridemonth #tallwomen #hotgirl