transmenofinstagram transgender transman trans ftmtransgender lgbt transmasculine transmenofig ftmfitness testosterone femaletomale transguy transmen ftmtransition thisiswhattranslookslike transformationtuesday transisbeautiful ftmtrans queer transboy lgbtq nonbinary transandproud transrightsarehumanrights vitamint hehim pride зеленоградблоггер
tired @ mcdonald's @ 3-4am
#pansexual #asexual #genderqueer #ftm #f2m #thisiswhattranslookslike #transmasculine #transmasc #transboy #transguy #transmenofig #transmenofinstagram #transgendermale #transman #vitamint #transgenderpride #transpride #ftmtransition #translivesmatter #transisbeautiful #agender #lgbtpride #nonbinary #wontbeerased
Tomorrow I’ll be 14 months on testosterone. I’m always fairly reflective, but at these monthly milestones I always find myself thinking back to the super early days of my transition when I hadn’t yet (or had only just) started testosterone.
It baffles me to think, now that I’m so much more comfortable in my skin and my identity, about just how insecure and self conscious I’ve been for most of my life. These photo comparisons just show all the little things I was doing to try and validate myself. The backwards caps, hoody round the waist to hide my hips, long shorts to hide my “fat knees”. These little things I don’t even think about anymore, because my body is starting to be what I always felt it should’ve been, even though I didn’t always know what that meant. .
Testosterone has saved me when I didn’t even know how to be saved. I see a future, where before I could barely imagine having one. I’m grateful every day (as evidenced by the obscene number and nature of the selfies I share on the this account) for being able to take my hormones and have had chest surgery. I hope I never, ever take this amazing thing for granted
#topsurgerypostop #ftmtransition #ftm #ftmfitness #topsurgery #trans #transgender #femaletomale #lgbt #lgbtq #happiness #bodypositive #transformation #transmen #transmenofinstagram #transmenofig
This is probably my trippiest comparison. 20 years as years as each gender. I will be having a book coming out talking various aspects about my life and my thoughts on gender. #transmenofinstagram #ftmmodel #transmenofinstagram #transdude #ftmfitness #ftmmodel #ftmtransition #ftmtransgender #transmenaremen #transmenofinstagram #ftmofinstagram #transisbeautiful
#TransformationTuesday is 10 years apart. If I could tell 16 year old me what I know now... but it wouldn’t be of any use. Everything from then until now has made me the man I am today. .
#ftm #trans #transgender #transmen #transguy #selfmademan #ftmtransition #thisiswhattranslookslike #transmenofinstagram #transmasculine #transitiontimelineg #femaletomale #transisbeautiful #ftmtransition #ftmfitness #visibilidadtrans #homemtrans #hrt #testosterone
Fitness Update:
May 2018 ➡️ May 2019
(L: 110lbs, R: 130lbs)
I finally hit my goal of 130lbs this week. I’m extremely happy with the bulking progress I’ve made over the past three months, and now I’m beginning my cut to help shed some excess body fat
Life’s good 77 days until top surgery!
#ftm #ftmtransgender #ftmfitness #ftmtransition #trans #transgender #transman #transmenofinstagram #transmenofig #thisiswhattranslookslike #lgbt #vitamint #progress #topsurgery #transmasculine #ftmtransitions
Today is my one year anniversary on testosterone - AKA my manniversary!! Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and for all the support you’ve shown me. Here’s to many more life lessons and learning how to be comfortable in this skin I’m in.
#ftm #transisbeautiful #transmenofig #transmenofinstagram #trans #transgender #thisiswhattranslookslike #testosterone #lgbt #lgbtq
MY STORY ‼️; ❌Left picture; “Me”when I was Pre T (way before anything; however I was always struggling with myself feeling trapped in the wrong body and felt such sadness and disgust with myself when I would look at myself in the mirror because it wasn’t who I was on in the inside. If you were to ask me who that was in this picture on the left I wouldn’t know who, I don’t recognize that person, that person was a character, trying to act a certain part or role for society and my families sake at the time, just to make others happy and please everyone else but myself, and believe me I was killing myself for doing that. I remember endless nights crying myself to sleep, and being so angry. ••••••••••••••
❌Right picture; This is me now, took this picture yesterday, Almost 5 years on T and living the best life I could for myself now. I am the man I was always meant to be, don’t get me wrong I still got my own struggles I face everyday but if you were to ask me how I feel now compared to back then, I am much happier and relieved and just overall blessed that I am able to be the man I’ve always been and what I’ve always dreamt I’d be, I’m forever grateful to be on his journey even with it’s ups and down, I wouldn’t change a thing, because this is who I am, I’m a self made man and no one could ever take away the courage and the strength that I have/had to get where I am today. •••••••••••••••
⚠️ If you got anything negative to say, keep it to yourself, please, I couldn’t care less about what you gotta say, don’t waste your time or energy, why? Because 1. You won’t bring me down, you’re the one with the problem not me and 2. I’m here to share my story to inspire others and be open about my transition to the ones who can’t. ⚠️
‼️ DM me if you got any questions or any of that sort, I’m always happy to help/give advice or share more about my story. Don’t be shy! ‼️
#transformationtuesday #transformations #transformationchallenge #transmenofinstagram #vitamint #beyourself #selfmademan #ftm #ftmfitness #ftmtransgender #ftmtransition #transguy #transgender #trans #transmenofig #transmen #lgbt #changes #bebrave #inspirational #transmasculine #transgenderftm
The minute you realize your worth, you shift your energy to attract new people who respect your worth.
#keepgoing #motivation #keepitup #transmenofig #transmenofinstagram #transmen #transman #transguy #transdude #transmasculine #transgender #transgenderftm #trans #transftm #transrightsarehumanrights #transandinked #testosterone #thisiswhattranslookslike #ftmtransgender #ftm #f2m #hrt #ftmfitness #vitamint