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Ich hab nie ein Bikefitting gemacht, gibt es eine freundliche Person im Raum Hamburg die mir dabei mal helfen könnte. Ich hoffe da liegt noch viel ungenutztes Potenzial
#triabolos #stadtparktriathlon2019 #triathlonrace #triathlon_world #triathlonbike #triathlongram #sprintdistance #swimbikerun #stevensbikes #tri_community #carbonbikes #planetariumhamburg #affeaufdemschleifstein #daslebenistchain
Da war die Welt noch in Ordnung, relativ früh aus dem Wasser (13er) aber dann (wieder) nicht gut aus dem Neo gepult (T1 3:44). #stadtparktriathlon #triswim #immergrosseslächeln #sprintdistance #stadtparkseehamburg #triathlon_world #swimsuitmodel #swimbikerunfit #sprintdistance #triathlonlifestyle #triathlonrace #neoswim #3atlete #triraceday #mennails #wobittegehtsnachhollywood #scheissreissverschluss
Cok guzel bir yarisi geride biraktik. Benim icin biraz hayal kirikligi ve sinir harbi icinde gecti. Beni bisiklet sporuna baslatan rahmetli Tacettin Ozsavas hocam hep yarisin hakkini verin, allah ne verdiyse basicaksin derdi. Her yarisda sesi kulagimda cinlar. Bu sefer olmadi. Bisiklet etabinin 35. Km sinde gecirdigim sakatlik sonucu yavaslamak zorunda kaldim. Benim icin tek teselli gecici birsey olmasi. Tekrar gorusmek uzere Gelibolu ♂️
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Treino Triatlhon #triathlonofficial #triathloncoaching #triathlontime #triathlonrace #triathlonlove #triathlonsprint #triathlon2016 #triathlonaustralia #triathlongram #triathlonworld #triathlon_world #triathlonbike #triathlonmotivation #triathlonteam #triathlontrainning #triathloncoach #triathlonlifestyle #triathlons #triathlongirl #triathlonbrasil #triathlonlife #triathlon_in_the_world #triathlontraining #triathlon
2 more weeks till my Triathlon race in Bintan thanks @lietedy udah di tarikin was a good 4.50 pace but there is always room for improvements #run #running #train #training #fit #fitness #gbk #race #triathlon #runner #triathlontraining #sports #sport #muscle #bodygoals #healthylifestyle #health #sweat #triathlonrace #model #actress #triathlete #kellytandiono