degrassi tristanmilligan degrassinextclass mileshollingsworth degrassithenextgeneration degrassiedit triles mayamatlin zignovak tristanmilliganedit zoerivas degrassinextclassedit degrassitng mileshollingsworthedit degrassiedits trilesedit degrassinextgeneration edit lylelettau allibhandari anagolja eligoldsworthy gracecardinal loveislove tinybell zaya audiosforedits ericosborne esmesong danielkelly
The storyline that almost was.
-I dont know.. what this is..? Au? I didnt ship but I wanted that potentially bi or gay cam storyline that was rumored ya feel
-happy birthday to moi.
-ac; wunderworld (sc)
-cc; bansheegrimes
| Dallas: Friend of yours Cam?
|| Cam: "I think you're at the wrong table..." "We will never be friends. Ever."
| Owen: He's (Cam) a hockey player, wouldnt be interested in you either way.
|| Mr. S: Campbell Saunders is dead.
welcome to degrassi.
this show has so many great lessons and storylines when it comes to the lgbt community, it has brought up so many topics that not many shows bring up. i decided for this edit that i wanted to start it off with the one of the first coming out storylines and ending it with the most recent storyline of the character being gender fluid, THIS is what this show is talking about, THIS is what the show is teaching young adults and having them talk about it and understand it, this is degrassi
ac it’s on soundcloud ill check later
for all of my degrassi followers
fc 3984
#degrassiedit #degrassi #degrassiedits #degrassithenextgeneration #degrassithenextclass #degrassinextclass #paigemichalchuk #marcodelrossi #yaelbaron #adamtorres #zanepark #rileystavros #zoerivas #mileshollingsworth #imogenmoreno #fionacoyne #alexnuñez #rashazubai #tristanmilligan #loveislove #pride #pridemonth #prideedit #pride
my biggest uwu jumped out
this is probably gonna flop but i really wanted to edit my softie and i think it turned out pretty well for a ccp edit!! ac: awbyers
cc: nocturnly
#degrassi #degrassinextclass #dnc #degrassinc #mileshollingsworth #mola #triles #ericosborne #omgpage #omgdegrassi #hollingsworth #hunterhollingsworth #frankiehollingsworth #tristanmilligan #lolapacini